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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 17:49



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 16:21

For 20-year-old Shen Hsin-ling, a computer is more than just a tool or a toy.
对20岁的Shen Hsin-ling而言,一台电脑不只是一个工具或一个玩具
Computers are the medium that connects her with those who need assistance.
At the age of 11, Hsin-ling built a website to help her grandfather, who was struggling to improve his business as a fruit vendor.
She also designed a free ecational website featuring English lessons for poor children who could not afford cram school lessons.
Through the site, the children were given the opportunity to feel proud of themselves. Hsin-ling felt a connection with them because she also came from a poor background. She later began working to help Cambodian people and Chinese spouses living in Taiwan. It seems her good deeds know no limits.
经由这个网站,给了这些孩子赶到为自己骄傲的机会.Hsin-ling赶到和这些孩子有相连之处因为他也是从贫苦的背景而来的. 她後来开始致力於帮助高棉人和他们中国籍住在台湾的配偶. 看来她的善行是没有极限的. Today the collection at the Kaohsiung International Airport, take the flight to the "Pearl of the Orient," said the Hong Kong. Upon arrival by "Ngong Ping 360 cable car" to Lantau Island. Ngong Ping 360 cable car take the whole 25 minutes, the landscape has a 360-degree field of vision, can see a different point of view and the Big Buddha on Lantau Island scenery (In case of suspension of service on the Ngong Ping 360 cable car, truck traffic will be replaced in order to protect passenger safety). The cable car along with the opening of "Ngong Ping Village" to a traditional Chinese custom built in the style, is elegant charming scenery will make your eye-opener! Car then came to Hong Kong's most famous】 【Wong Tai Sin Temple, formerly known as Sik Sik Yuen, Chong Fengru. Release. Taoism, as is said to Wong Tai Sin responsive, particularly efficacious sign the text, it attracted many worshipers this worship, perennial flourishing incense. Stanley then take you to the 【】, a collection of small shops selling various goods and shopping centers, you can find the shuttle in the traditional Chinese culture, market focused on clothing technology can also be lazy and enjoy the beach in South China warm sea sun, Repulse Bay】 【Hong Kong's most beautiful beaches are known to watch the beautiful sea view, and can enjoy two days after the statue of Guanyin with! Then take the Star Ferry】 【take the ferry in the Hundred Years, the list on both sides of Victoria Harbour, the most outstanding modern architecture and construction, open deck to enjoy the comfort of Qin Liang breeze was blowing, people feel like being in space marine turn a wonderful journey. Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade Avenue of Stars Avenue of Stars on to explore Hong Kong's lighting legend. The tourist spots in Hong Kong, the theme of the film instry to recognize the foreground stars and filmmakers behind the achievements. 今日集合於高雄小港机场,搭乘豪华客机飞往有“东方之珠”之称的香港。抵达後乘「昂坪360缆车」至大屿山。昂坪360缆车全程需25分钟,拥有360度的视野景观,能以不同视野角度观看大佛及大屿山景色(若遇昂坪360缆车停驶,将以交通车替代,以维护旅客安全)。而伴随缆车一起开放的「昂坪市集」,以中华式建筑风格呈现传统风俗,秀逸迷人的景致将使您大开眼界!接著专车来到香港最著名的【黄大仙庙】,原名啬色园,崇奉儒.释.道三教,因据说黄大仙有求必应,签文尤其灵验,故吸引无数善信到此膜拜,常年香火鼎盛。随後带您前往【赤柱】,汇集了贩售各式各样货品的小店铺及购物中心,您可以穿梭在传统市集中找到中华文化的服饰工艺,也可以懒洋洋的在沙滩上享受南中国海的热情艳阳,【浅水湾】有香港最美丽海滩之称,观赏美丽的海景,并可观赏观音与天后两座雕像!接著搭乘【天星小轮】,乘坐在已有百年历史的渡轮中,一览维多利亚港两旁最现代的建筑艺术和杰出建设,露天甲板上尽情享受微风拂面的舒适沁凉,让人彷佛置身在时空交替的海上奇幻之旅。【星光大道】尖沙咀海滨长廊上的星光大道,探索香港的光影传奇。这个旅游点以香港的电影业为主题,旨在表扬幕前巨星和幕後电影工作者的成就。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 16:21

Monuments to Love Aristotle is believed to have said, “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” When those two people find each other and the soul is reunited, anything is possible. In fact, some of the world's most incredible works are the result. One of the most famous monuments to love is India's Taj Mahal. Located in Agra, this amazing structure was built by the Emperor Shah Jahan upon the death of his favorite wife in the early 1600s. The center building shines in white marble, a symbol of the purity of the emperor's love. The walls inside and out are covered with beautiful designs and precious stones. Today, millions of visitors come each year to see what a man's love for his wife created. 绕著地球游逛浪漫景点 据信亚里斯多德曾说过:「爱是由居住在两个身体的单一灵魂所构成。」当那两个人找到彼此而使灵魂重逢时,任何事都有可能成真。事实上,世上一些最棒的作品就是其结果。 最知名的爱情纪念建物之一就是印度的泰姬玛哈陵。这座惊人的建筑位在阿格拉,是由沙.贾汗皇帝在十七世纪初、他最爱的妻子一去世时就建的。中心的建筑物闪闪发亮,以白色大理石建成,是皇帝纯洁爱情的象徵。里外的墙壁上都布满了美丽的设计图样和珍贵的宝石。现今每年有数百万游客到这里来见证一个男人对他妻子的爱所创造出来的事物。 这些都选自Live杂志 有中英对照的 台湾高中考试范本 建议可以每月订购 这篇我猜测下次段考会出...
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