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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 17:01



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 01:23

They sleep on independence from a young age; you will when you are walking on their own play, with few parents PLAYING; again greater when there is their own space, room decoration, layout and clean-up by the kids in charge of; they do from an early age means paid services, such as make clean, to help people watch a child, delivering newspapers and so on, to the high school or university study after Le thrifty workers in exchange for living expenses. In contrast, our home for ecational purposes cultivate Children are put into a "before"the future, there is a good career, a lifetime spent in the good times. First of all, the purpose of high expectations and strong utilitarian, because "有出息", "good job", "good" is not a general purpose, more difficult to achieve. For this purpose, Chinese parents of special interest to children's academic performance, the children concentrate on the only requirement is that, to sit down and quietly reading, apprenticeship, and have neglected the child's talent, limit their creativity, the results in order to cultivate the so-called "talent" rather than stifle the genius, many "do not want to spend dwelling hair" effect. But also because of the character with little regard for Children, social adaptability, citizenship and other issues, even if the academic performance good, the future may not be able to successfully land-based society, and sometimes, but also the expectations of parents completely dashed.
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