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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 17:06



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 03:17

July fiercely, sky filled by the rain. My tears journeyed north, leave that always filled with you next season.

The wind, with sadness and eroding the red maple leaves. My heart, also along with ripples, shoreless ocean adrift in cold. Who has not found, winding coastline stay with my thoughts.

You, in the full I miss the days, quietly left. Leave me alone looked at lower. Wave after wave of wave soaked my ankle, multicolored rosy clouds, teetering on a single lonely heart. Sky-byte always haunt thoughts, ChiChu in the horizon.

Do you remember, in that YingHuaBan shrivel days you remnants in my dream, softly sing. How I wanted to, the future and the past no longer exists, yes, just the eternal now. There is no longer any worldly life and death surprise.

It was late, bright moonlight roving through my side face. Different, load motionless and policy.it is sorrow? Flower between xie, I to you except every memory, nothing is left.

I am a meteor, a heart from your fingers fiery stars star. Don't expect you will by surprise me the way arc sky-high, only hope you will use of self-compassion of staring at me into jiyiyuan ashes.

I dawn long-cherished wish, not is say good hand together under a cherry blossom waiting for the coming days?

And nowadays, flourishing ending, and that blooms a mature you but I lost. Bare ornamental cherry tree branch flickering in the wind, but increasingly heavy concealed thoughts.

Sky, lonely stand on my mind, You love, still like flawless flood came flooding back in my central sea, Wait until I temples BanBai...

The night before the dawn exceptionally quiet, I think a lot. Moonlight in the outline of your figure, as if flying in the wind sand son like unreachable.

If everything is still can come again, I'd rather use millennium waiting for the wonderful moment. In that day, thesakura blooming day for you hide my constant love.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 03:18

July fiercely, sky filled by the rain. My tears journeyed north, leave that always filled with you next season.
The wind, with sadness and eroding the red maple leaves. My heart, also along with ripples, shoreless ocean adrift in cold. Who has not found, winding coastline stay with my thoughts.
You, in the full I miss the days, quietly left. Leave me alone looked at lower. Wave after wave of wave soaked my ankle, multicolored rosy clouds, teetering on a single lonely heart. Sky-byte always haunt thoughts, ChiChu in the horizon.
Do you remember, in that YingHuaBan shrivel days you remnants in my dream, softly sing. How I wanted to, the future and the past ceased to exist, some ?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 03:18

July rain sky filled by the fire,. My tears journeyed north, leave that always filled with you next season.
The wind, with full and eroding the red maple leaves. My heart, also along with ripples, shoreless ocean adrift in cold. Who also not found, winding coastline stay with my thoughts.
You, in this day of loaded with I bum, quietly left. Leave me alone looked at lower. Wave after wave of wave soaked my ankle, multicolored rosy clouds, a planet around the lonely heart. Sky-byte ChiChu thought and always be hover in the horizon.
Do you remember, in the YingHuaBan straying days you, squirming in my dream, gently sing. How I wanted to, the future and the past no longer exists, yes, just the eternal now. There is no longer life and death in surprise.
It was late at night, bright moonlight roving through my side face. Different, load motionless and far more than is sorrow? Flower, I to you between xie except every memory, nothing is left.
I am a meteor, a single from your fingers a fiery stars star. Don't expect you will jing the sky-high in my ways with curve, only hope you spare looked at me into jiyiyuan ashes.
I dawn long-cherished wish, not is say good hand together under a cherry blossom waiting for the coming days?
And nowadays, ending a prosperous, bloom all miss you but I mature. Bare ornamental cherry tree branch, flickering in the wind like concealed thoughts but increasingly heavy.
I stood at the sky, lonely in my heart; You love, still as flawless came flooding back in my central sea; flood Wait until I BanBai, neither shalt thou mar...
The night before the dawn of all static, I think a lot. Moonlight outline of your figure in flying in the wind, like a distant and Elisha son.
If everything is still can come again, I'd rather use the millennium of waiting for the wonderful moment. In that day thesakura blooming day for you, hide my constant love.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 03:19

论一个玩劲舞的少女,前几天晚自习回家,被一辆卡车给撞死了,司机丧尽天良,把她的尸体拖进猪球场旁的小巷内奸污,随即逃跑.你看到这条消息后,请将它转发到3个百度贴吧,如果没发,你妈妈会在1个月后被汽车撞死,你爸爸会在1年后得绝症凄惨而亡,以后你的孩子一出生就是怪胎! 如果照上面的做了,全家平安,5天后,你喜欢的人会来找你!

July fiercely, sky filled by the rain. My tears journeyed north, leave that always filled with you next season.The wind, with sadness and eroding the red maple leaves. My heart, also along with ripples, shoreless ocean adrift in cold. Who has not found, winding coastline stay ...



我要背诵这篇作文,大家帮我翻译一下吧。 我英语什么都不懂的,希望大家...

one year later ,he became one of the top student in his class .【直到那时他才意识到英语不仅仅坏死一门学科,更是一门世界通用的交际语。于是他端正了学习态度,他在英语课上开始变得积极。与此同时他坚持写英语日记,这帮助他用英语思考。由于他的勤奋,一年后,他变成他们班的优秀学生。】In...


The advertising language structure and writing characteristics English advertisements usually includes seven parts: title, headings, text, price,Name and address, and the end. Here mainly about the title, text and ending Word of writing characteristics.Sure title (1.1),Headline generally ...


that a lot of life philosophy. We are really worthy of being the spiritual food!Leisure time, I also like his father and under the几幅Chinese chess, although often the chance to become a father, but still fun.I have many hobbies, but due to time concerns, said no more....






我的 帮忙翻一下这篇文章。谢了。翻译得好额外加分,我是学英语的,能辨好坏,请勿用机器翻,您用了心自有嘉奖 梅花梦里几度寻要是有些事我没说,梅,你别以为是我忘了,我什么也没忘,但是有些事只适合收藏。不能说,也不能想,却又不能忘。它们不能变成语言,它们无法变成语言,一旦变成语言,... 梅花梦里几度...


we called yougth-the poetic yougth!last but not the least,i would like to end up with the final word inthis book : even though it is down blow the ocean ,as long as with your company it is still a beautiful scenery.凭感觉写的,仅供参考,肯定不少语法错误和拼写错误哈哈 ...


When you are boring, mood will not be bad if there is a music to relieve.When funerals come,spirit will be high if there is a music to add to the fun. At night when all is still,when loneliness comes,it can be released in music imperceptibly. Music's heat, can ignite...

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