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哪位高手帮帮忙 <常一线油循环离心油泵设计> 英文翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-12 06:02



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 13:42

Abstract: The design fully consider the first regular cycle of centrifugal pumps oil conditions and the use of the design requirements of the pump design the structure. The angle of the pump had improved, the appropriate selection and lower costs, get a good performance, meet the actual use of working conditions.
The design focus on the practicality and standardization of design requirements, will be the main content is divided into four parts, namely, water, material selection, design and structural strength design. In the relevant standards within the permissible range, giving full consideration to the use of the pump environment, completed the structural design, materials selection, the components of the water flow design, pump parts, and other major aspects of the design strength. In the impeller and other material on the body parts as gray iron, thickening the base structure will be reinforced in order to increase rigidity. Pump evaluation of the efficiency of pump procts is an important indicator of the quality of the design process taking into account the impact of pumping efficiency in all aspects of factors, more than a reference on the improvement of the efficiency of the centrifugal pump literature, focus on the angle of the impact of pumping efficiency.
Key words: often the frontline pump design angle

热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 13:42

Give full consideration to the design of the first regular cycle of centrifugal pumps oil conditions and the use of the design requirements of the pump design the structure. The angle of the pump had improved, the appropriate selection and lower costs, get a good performance, meet the actual use of working conditions.
The design focus on the practicality and standardization of design requirements, will be the main content is divided into four parts, namely, water, material selection, design and structural strength design. In the relevant standards within the permissible range, giving full consideration to the use of the pump environment, completed the structural design, materials selection, the components of the water flow design, pump parts, and other major aspects of the design strength. In the impeller and other material on the body parts as gray iron, thickening the base structure will be reinforced in order to increase rigidity. Pump evaluation of the efficiency of pump procts is an important indicator of the quality of the design process taking into account the impact of pumping efficiency in all aspects of factors, more than a reference on the improvement of the efficiency of the centrifugal pump literature, focus on the angle of the impact of pumping efficiency.
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