发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-22 01:55
热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 13:42
班超久在绝域,年老思土,上书乞归曰:“臣不敢望到酒泉郡,但愿生入玉门关。谨遣子勇随安息献物入塞,及臣生在,令勇目见中土。”朝廷久之未报,超妹曹大家上书曰:“蛮夷之性,悖逆侮老;而超旦暮入地,久不见代,恐开奸之原,生逆乱之心。而卿大夫咸怀一切,莫肯远虑,如有卒暴,超之气力不能从心,便为上损国家累世之功,下弃忠臣竭力之用,诚可痛也!故超万里归诚,自陈苦急,延颈逾望,三年于今,未蒙省录。妾窃闻古者十五受兵,六十还之,亦有休息,不任职也。故妾敢触死为超求哀,丐超余年,一得生还,复见阙庭,使国家无劳远之虑,西域无仓卒之忧,超得长蒙文王葬骨之恩,子方哀老之惠。”帝感其言,乃征超还。八月,超至雒阳,拜为射声校尉;九月,卒。热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 13:42
班超自己感到在偏僻遥远的西域往得太久了,年老思念故土。汉和帝永元十二年(公元100年),上书说:“臣听说太公(吕尚)封于齐,从他开始直至五代,死后都返葬在周地/狐狸临死时,还尽力将脑袋向著丘窟;代郡的马南来以后,仍旧依恋北风。周、齐两地同在中原千里之间,何况我处在极远的地区,小臣怎能没有依恋北风、头向故土的思念呢?蛮夷的风俗,畏惧壮年人,欺侮老年人。臣班超如狗马衰老齿尽(意谓已到老年),时常害怕年老体衰,忽然死去,孤独的灵魂灵魂被抛弃。昔日苏武困留在匈奴之长达十九年,而今臣下有幸得以奉符节,带金印、银印监护西域,如果我以享年终老驻守所在地,实在无所遗恨;然而恐怕后世有人说我是在西域兵败死亡的(或:无定代词,有的,有的人)(名:称,说)(没:[军队]覆没,灭亡)。臣不敢奢望回到酒泉(郡名,治所在今甘肃酒泉市)郡,但愿活著进入玉门关!臣衰老多病,该死瞎说。恭敬地派我的儿子班勇随著献礼的队伍进入边塞。趁臣还活著的时候,让班勇亲眼看看中原。”……表书上奏,汉和帝被他的话所感动,于是调班超回汉。热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 13:43
Ban Chao long in his thinking, old earth, petitioned for to say: "official look into Jiuquan County, I wish to Yumen Pass. I rest QIANZI Yong with offerings into the plug, and his students in, while China makes." The court for a long time not reported, ultra girl Cao and we write said: "barbarian, rebellious insult old; and the Danmurudi, long time no see, may open rape on raw, students against the chaos heart. And therefore the salty with everything, Moken foresight, such as stroke bursts, the strength is not from the heart, is on the national long-term loss of reactive power, under the disposable loyal to use, is pain! So super million returns from Cheng, Chen is urgent, Yanjing than Wang, three years so far, not Mongolian province record. I I smell ancient fifteen soldiers, sixty, also have a rest, not he. So I dare touch the dead for super and mourning, and over years, who also, see Que Ting, make the country free from far into the Western no hurry, worry." If the emperor sense, but also syndrome super