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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-12 13:22



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 20:23


热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 20:24

The relationship between accounting regulation and tax law issues is a complex issue, market-oriented economic development in the course of the difference between the two will graally have an adverse impact on economic development, how to better deal with the differences between the two has become China's economy reform process of the outstanding issues.。Differences in accounting standards and tax laws, and in the accounting and property tax measures taken by the different accounting and tax law, "the authenticity of the principle of" different, accounting "sound principle" and tax "payments to determine" the difference in accounting "importance of the principles "and tax" legal principle "and the accounting and tax 。differences on the" substance over form "understanding and implementation differen。Differences between accounting and tax accounting exist mainly e to the legislative goals and purposes of various tax, corporate accounting must adhere to the "accrual" basis, the enterprise must consider the International Accounting Standards, and economic globalization. Tax laws should be based on the provisions of this tax adjustmentces.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 20:24

The relationship between accounting regulation and tax law issues is a complex issue, market-oriented economic development in the course of the difference between the two will graally have an adverse impact on economic development, how to better deal with the differences between the two has become China's economy reform process of the outstanding issues. Differences in accounting standards and tax laws, and in the accounting and property tax measures taken by the different accounting and tax law, "the authenticity of the principle of" different, accounting "sound principle" and tax "payments to determine" the difference in accounting "importance of the principles "and tax" legal principle "and the accounting and tax differences on the" substance over form "understanding and implementation differences. Differences between accounting and tax accounting exist mainly e to the legislative goals and purposes of various tax, corporate accounting must adhere to the "accrual" basis, the enterprise must consider the International Accounting Standards, and economic globalization. Tax laws should be based on the provisions of this tax adjustment

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 20:25



Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into text.


This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate cultures.


Our text achieved the possibility above.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 20:25

我的翻译:The relationship between accounting system and tax law is a complex problem. In the development of market economy, the differences between the two will bring adverse effects on economic development. Therefore, how to better deal with the differences between the two has become a prominent problem in the process of economic system reform in China. The differences between accounting standards and tax laws and regulations are reflected in the different measurement attributes adopted by accounting and tax law, the different "authenticity principle" of accounting and tax law, the difference between "steady principle" of accounting and "revenue and expenditure determination" of tax law, the difference between "importance principle" of accounting and "statutory principle" of tax revenue, and the difference between accounting and tax law in understanding and implementation of "substance over form". The main reason for the difference between accounting and tax law is that the goal of accounting is different from the legislative purpose of tax law. The enterprise accounting must adhere to the basis of "accrual basis". The enterprise accounting standards must consider the needs of international exchange and economic globalization. Tax adjustment should be made according to the tax law。
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