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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-02 17:53



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 07:00

The ‘Five Fragrance Store’ can be dated back to Daoguang era of the Qing Dynasty (1821-1850); its founder hailed from a place which is the present Xiang Cheng District. He operated a dessert store selling various kinds of desserts made with rose buds, sweet osmanthus, lotus seeds, peppermint and sesame. These five ingredients were the favorites of Suzhou locals. The man had five daughters and he used the first word of the five ingredients to name each of them; so the neighbors jokingly called his store the ”Five Fragrance Store”. The man made the best out of it and used it as the official name of his shop. That’s how the name “Five Fragrance Store” came about.



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 07:00

"Five fang zhai" takes its name from clear light years, shen, founder of Ephraim was a grave lu in this phase city yuanhe town (parks). At first in qi door opened a dessert shop, rose, osmanthus by LianXin, mint, sesame, five a from suzhou love to eat things as a raw material, proction osmanthus sugar, red bean YuanZi Wu crisp beans, LianXin congee soup, snow and ice crisp, rose cake sweetmeat snacks. Elaborates shen knees had five daughters named mei fang, respectively, GuiFang, lotus fang, lotus fang and cheese fang, just and store the raw materials used in literally have similarities between, neighbors will jokingly called his shop called "five fang zhai". Elaborates shen bosses will wrong, formally named "five fang jaipur shop." This is the origin of the name, five fang monastery.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 07:01

The ‘Five Fragrance Store’ can be dated back to Daoguang era of the Qing Dynasty (1821-1850); its founder hailed from a place which is the present Xiang Cheng District. He operated a dessert store selling various kinds of desserts made with rose buds, sweet osmanthus, lotus seeds, peppermint and sesame. These five ingredients were the favorites of Suzhou locals. The man had five daughters and he used the first word of the five ingredients to name each of them; so the neighbors jokingly called his store the ”Five Fragrance Store”. The man made the best out of it and used it as the official name of his shop. That’s how the name “Five Fragrance Store” came about.追问谢谢!

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