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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 15:37



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 09:12

One possible version:
Micro-blogs, a new format of communication, are becoming more and more popular. Many instry elites or public figures post news or express ideas through micro-blogs, which has proced different impacts on society. Generally speaking, most of them use micro-blogs to convey positive messages to the public. For  example, they encourage people to help those who badly need help. However, some of them behave differently. Sometimes their micro-blogs are full of dirty words, gossip or rumors, which has a bad effect on the people around them. Therefore, any improper message posted there should be deleted by the website operators and that’s their ty, I think, for micro-blogs are just like a real world, where everybody should obey the laws and the moral codes, and no absolute freedom should exist there at all。Only in this way can people tell right from wrong without misled

试题解析:从文章体裁分析,本文是一篇记叙文的写作,用英语就微博的日益流行写一篇简评,内容包括:1. 上述情况日趋普遍; 2. 这种做法的利与弊;  3. 微博是否应受到监管?为什么?文章使用了非常好的短语和句子给文章增色,如Many instry elites or public figures post news or express ideas through micro-blogs, which has proced different impacts on society(which引导的非*性定语从句),Generally speaking一般说来,For  example,例如并且主语了句子的衔接如:however ,therefore 等。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 09:12

One possible version:
Micro-blogs, a new format of communication, are becoming more and more popular. Many instry elites or public figures post news or express ideas through micro-blogs, which has proced different impacts on society. Generally speaking, most of them use micro-blogs to convey positive messages to the public. For  example, they encourage people to help those who badly need help. However, some of them behave differently. Sometimes their micro-blogs are full of dirty words, gossip or rumors, which has a bad effect on the people around them. Therefore, any improper message posted there should be deleted by the website operators and that’s their ty, I think, for micro-blogs are just like a real world, where everybody should obey the laws and the moral codes, and no absolute freedom should exist there at all。Only in this way can people tell right from wrong without misled

试题解析:从文章体裁分析,本文是一篇记叙文的写作,用英语就微博的日益流行写一篇简评,内容包括:1. 上述情况日趋普遍; 2. 这种做法的利与弊;  3. 微博是否应受到监管?为什么?文章使用了非常好的短语和句子给文章增色,如Many instry elites or public figures post news or express ideas through micro-blogs, which has proced different impacts on society(which引导的非*性定语从句),Generally speaking一般说来,For  example,例如并且主语了句子的衔接如:however ,therefore 等。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 09:12

One possible version:
Micro-blogs, a new format of communication, are becoming more and more popular. Many instry elites or public figures post news or express ideas through micro-blogs, which has proced different impacts on society. Generally speaking, most of them use micro-blogs to convey positive messages to the public. For  example, they encourage people to help those who badly need help. However, some of them behave differently. Sometimes their micro-blogs are full of dirty words, gossip or rumors, which has a bad effect on the people around them. Therefore, any improper message posted there should be deleted by the website operators and that’s their ty, I think, for micro-blogs are just like a real world, where everybody should obey the laws and the moral codes, and no absolute freedom should exist there at all。Only in this way can people tell right from wrong without misled

试题解析:从文章体裁分析,本文是一篇记叙文的写作,用英语就微博的日益流行写一篇简评,内容包括:1. 上述情况日趋普遍; 2. 这种做法的利与弊;  3. 微博是否应受到监管?为什么?文章使用了非常好的短语和句子给文章增色,如Many instry elites or public figures post news or express ideas through micro-blogs, which has proced different impacts on society(which引导的非*性定语从句),Generally speaking一般说来,For  example,例如并且主语了句子的衔接如:however ,therefore 等。
探歌自动启停怎么关闭不了怎么办 探歌停车自动熄火 一汽大众sagitar自动档换档位的时候震动什么原因 大众速滕挂档车身会抖动 大众速腾变速箱挡杆抖动是哪里的问题? 我的爸爸欠了一千多块,妈妈才发现因此很生气,打架怎么办?我好害怕... 我的情况是属于心理障碍吗? 我的爸爸特别喜欢强势,导致我现在非常害怕爸爸,怎么办呢? 我怕我的爸爸妈妈(亲人)死 歌唱祖国的合唱怎么排练,怎么分声部,怎么轮唱重唱领唱比较合理 柯南最后一集是什么?他有没有边会新一? 今天是piand里的piand是什么意思 民族图案寓意 彝族的图腾崇拜是什么? 花腰彝族的服饰文化 宗彝在中国古代服装中的寓意? 彝族的色彩崇拜和纹饰 彝族衣服的图案羊角的寓意 彝族人民服饰上的图案大多与什么有关 贵州彝族服装图案代表什么 微信群消息怎么屏蔽 如何不接群消息 即兴演讲:题目《我喜欢的明星》《我尊敬的人》《我的朋友》,要求:这3篇要能连在一起,一篇为主要文章, 我尊敬的人主题演讲主持词 求助 普通话3分钟演讲稿 普通话三分钟我尊敬的人 我写很多尊敬的人可以吗 帮我学一篇三分钟的演讲作文:我尊敬的人 我尊敬的人普通话三分钟爷爷? 帮我写一篇三分钟的演讲作文:我尊敬的人 我尊敬的父母普通话三分钟 找一篇3分钟演讲稿(我最尊敬的人) 我尊敬的人我的奶奶3分钟作文 学霸快了, 第一个回答且答案符合我要求的送分!小学英语作文 my weekend pland 要写 在公园里pland是什么意思 wishpland是什么意思 plandfather是不是动词 求GTA5汉化中文版本公里,英里数字速度表程MOD GTA5速度表 求正版GTA5线下模式能用的车速表MOD gta5速度表怎么调出来 为什么我安装了GTA5时速表进入游戏后无反应 《GTA5》怎么显示车的迈速表? GTA5 怎么显示车的迈速表 gta5正版车辆mod那速度有没有修改 手机版gta5怎么改装车速度最快 gta5里面的超级跑车不是说时速346么 GTA5:布加迪凯龙真的可以跑时速400KM吗 冰柜运行时电闸断电是什么情况? 屋里电全拔了就留一个冰箱还跳闸怎么回事? 桑叶茶,绞股蓝,番石榴能一起泡水喝吗? 电冰箱插电就跳闸是怎么回事,求救 桑叶荷叶番石榴叶可同时泡渴吗?