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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 15:33



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 04:10

When I see the alts holding a picture of his name card, always make me envy, today, I finally have my own personal name card! This afternoon, I came home from school, determined to do a belong to my own personality card. Why? Why is it so quiet in the lobby? Still have to connect to lose a needle to all listen to. No matter twenty-one or 37, to the personality of business cards "offensive"! I thought, finally decided to do a star character name card. Making the net, to prepare some things, such as white, color pen, paper, scissors, glue, and flash riotous with colour pen. I first draw a star on the white paper, and then cut off with scissors, and then in the back with a flash of all coated with a full, well, the effect of golden light out, very beautiful oh! Then, I use the color pen on the business card to write on the name, school, class, address, contact, QQ number and their interests, motto, but also attached to their own small photos! Well, after hard wo

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 04:10

When I see the alts holding a picture of his name card, always make me envy, today, I finally have my own personal name card! This afternoon, I came home from school, determined to do a belong to my own personality card. Why? Why is it so quiet in the lobby? Still have to connect to lose a needle to all listen to. No matter twenty-one or 37, to the personality of business cards "offensive"! I thought, finally decided to do a star character name card. Making the net, to prepare some things, such as white, color pen, paper, scissors, glue, and flash riotous with colour pen. I first draw a star on the white paper, and then cut off with scissors, and then in the back with a flash of all coated with a full, well, the effect of golden light out, very beautiful oh! Then, I use the color pen on the business card to write on the name, school, class, address, contact, QQ number and their interests, motto, but also attached to their own small photos! Well, after hard wo

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 04:10

When I see the alts holding a picture of his name card, always make me envy, today, I finally have my own personal name card! This afternoon, I came home from school, determined to do a belong to my own personality card. Why? Why is it so quiet in the lobby? Still have to connect to lose a needle to all listen to. No matter twenty-one or 37, to the personality of business cards "offensive"! I thought, finally decided to do a star character name card. Making the net, to prepare some things, such as white, color pen, paper, scissors, glue, and flash riotous with colour pen. I first draw a star on the white paper, and then cut off with scissors, and then in the back with a flash of all coated with a full, well, the effect of golden light out, very beautiful oh! Then, I use the color pen on the business card to write on the name, school, class, address, contact, QQ number and their interests, motto, but also attached to their own small photos! Well, after hard wo
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