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求翻译下面一段话 别用工具 英语

发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-22 15:38



热心网友 时间:2024-03-28 21:23

In retrospection of the time when I just entered theuniversity, everything was so fresh and uncertain. I am feeling a specialtaste. Now I am surely grownup to know my goals ahead. The end of the secondyear of college means I will have no English class in the future. But it doesn't'mean that it's the end of my English studying. I will hold on to it Because Ilove English.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-28 21:24

Remembering as a muddled and strange freshman, i do have an unspeakable feeling.
Now ,I know I have grown up to be more mature ,and it seems that i have found myself a clear direction.
by the end of the sophomore year, there are no more English lessons ,but for me, English learning will go on beacuse ardently love with persistence.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-28 21:23

At the first time, I entered the gate of university with unknown and fresh
Not a good feeling in my heart

Now I feel,
I have grown up,been mature and know that the target I want to aim for.
Grade 2 are finishing.It means the terminal of English learning,
But I cannot give up English studying,
Love so stick

created by my hands

热心网友 时间:2024-03-28 21:26

Remembering the ignorance and freshness when I first entered the university,I have an unique feeling in my heart.Now I feel that I have been mature and I have grown up,also I know my goal in the future.The end of sophomore year means the learning of English courses in class is over,but I will never give up studying English because I love it.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-28 21:19

First just entering college ignorant and fresh,
Not a good feeling in their hearts,
Now feel
Their mature, grown up, but also know their future goals. Sophomore end on
Means the end of classroom learning English,
But I will not give up on learning English,
Love, so stick

热心网友 时间:2024-03-28 21:21

Looking back upon the ignorance and curiosity
when I just entered the university,
special mixed feelings came up
from the bottom of my heart.
I felt myself grown up and mature
and I definitely know my life goals.
The end of my life as a sophomore
means a break of my English leaning in class.
I will not abandon the learning of English.
Because It is devotion that makes me persist in it.
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