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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 18:01



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 18:39

1.what are your parent let you learn english? 这是简单的说
what can you do that your parent let you learen english? 详细复杂点就这样了
2what do you learn endglish do,when you grow up?
3 do you like english ?
4can you speak english well?

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 18:39

I study English, is for I later life, I may work as a translator, or teaches others English. English function is very widespread, English simply will not be difficult. why does let me as for my parents study this person question, is because they can let me later have a better work, has a good future.
What do the parents let you study English to do? what will you study English later to do? you like English? you can reach an agreement English?

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 18:40

I study English for my future. I could become a translator or teach others the language. English is useful in so many aspects, it is almost impossibel to advance forward in life without it.
When it comes to why my parents want me to study English, it's because they want me to have a better job in the future, and better propects.

Why do your parents make/let you learn English?
What would you do after you've learned English?
Do you like English?
Can you speak English well?

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 18:40

I study English , am for my life in the hereafter, I can should be also known as English translating, or teaching others. The English effect is very broad , incapable English is difficult for sb. to move a single step simply. As for why my parents lets me learn this person problem be that hereafter I have the much better job , have good future because of they can dodge. Why parents lets you learn English? What do you study English hereafter doing? Are you fond of English? You can come to an agreement English?

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 18:41

I study English, is for my future life, I can be a translation or English to teach others. The role of English is very widely, not just English Cunbunanxing.
As for my parents let me why this person in question them, because they let me have a better future, have a good future.

Parents learn English so that you do »
What you learn English after »
Do you like English Mody »
Can you say good English Mody

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