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Jiangnan an obscure courtyard, a young son is on file prior to study hard underlying medical books, he was the capital medical family home, the eldest son Murong Murong Jing, because not satisfied with the arrangements for his family, marriage - the political marriage, in Three years ago, a small voice with personal maidservants to leave the capital, live here.
He was ten years old in the mountains will sound strange little girl rescued from the wolves mouth, feet down when a chronic illness, and even his father was to be helpless. However, the medical Wizards Murong Jing, 12 years old doctor got his foot injury. As the pupil color red sexy little sound, family is regarded as an unknown person, Murong Jing has bent her my side. Cute little sound intelligent, but because of pupil color, afraid to see people, on Murong Jing is very good.
One day, Wang ran into the den steward said: "The young master, Miss Li Yanran see you up." Carter, a pretty figure on the flash came in, washed his name: "Jing Gege, why do you not return to Beijing ah? Yanran miss you ah!" Murong Jing was headache, which Li Yan Ran is his family arranged for him married objects. He no words, just read his medical books, hoping that Li Yan Ran may feel disappointed to leave as soon as possible.
Li Yan Ran's arrival did not change his life, he just looked at medical books every day, hoping to find ways to change the pupil color, so that small voice can live like a normal person. Curiously, Li Yan Ran no hurry to leave this time, the small voice has become withdrawn.
Then one night, Murong Yasushi cries could be heard in the yard there, so got up to see, Who would have thought was actually a small voice. Small voice that Murong Jing "Jing, you will, and she returned to Beijing this time to marry you?" "Silly girl, had you for this sad ah, all right, I will not marry the woman of my heart Only you, ah! "small voice breaks through his tears, the two embraced.
A few days later, a small sound Murong Jing suddenly find the missing, he searched everywhere can not find, in the end where the mountain's Caolu found a small rabbit, which languished in the corner shivering, red pupil full of tears. Neck with a jade, this was the sound he gave a small jade, in Look look, he realized, this is a small voice. Just then the door was pushed open Caolu, Li Yan Ran with a group of people come in and pointed a small rabbit to everyone, said: "This is a rabbit sperm confused Murong young master, but I have asked the GAO Ren cast her prodding, it ordered numbered. "People are cheering.
Murong Jing feel small voice in his arms gradually cooling, heart despair, ready to carry around so dose of the threat against the married father of poison, 1:45, Qijueshenwang.
Jing was a small sound Murong soul after the death of dependent, small voice telling him that he was not rabbit sperm only family history of abnormal pupil color that night say they were in the yard Li Yan Ran hear her heart and scorpions with the little sound magic into a rabbit, that would Murong Jing returned to Beijing with her married, but he did not expect end their lives with little sound.
In fact, the real monster is Li Yan Ran, she is the Millennium Fox Spirit, however, tricks, but still did not succeed.
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