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口袋妖怪的简介 要有作者名字 主要内容

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 19:09



热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 16:42

The official logo of Pokémon, the English variant of the original Japanese Poketto Monsutā
Pokémon (ポケモン Pokemon?, English pronunciation: /?po?ke?mɑ?n/, POH-kay-mahn[1]) is a media franchise published and owned by the video game company Nintendo and created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1996. Originally released as a pair of interlinkable Game Boy role-playing video games, Pokémon has since become the second most successful and lucrative video game-based media franchise in the world, behind only Nintendo's own Mario series.[2] Pokémon properties have since been merchandised into anime, manga, trading cards, toys, books, and other media. The franchise celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2006,[3] and as of 28 May 2010, cumulative sales of the video games (including home console versions, such as the "Pikachu" Nintendo 64) have reached more than 200 million copies.[4]
The name Pokémon is the romanized contraction of the Japanese brand Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā?),[5] as such contractions are quite common in Japan. The term "Pokémon", in addition to referring to the Pokémon franchise itself, also collectively refers to the 649 fictional species that have made appearances in Pokémon media as of the release of the Pokémon role-playing game (RPG) for the Nintendo DS, Pokémon Black and White. Like the words deer and sheep, the word "Pokémon" is identical in both the singular and plural, as is each indivial species name; in short, it is grammatically correct to say both "one Pokémon" and "many Pokémon" as well as "one Pikachu" and "many Pikachu". In November 2005, 4Kids Entertainment, which had managed the non-game related licensing of Pokémon, announced that it had agreed not to renew the Pokémon representation agreement. Pokémon USA Inc. (now The Pokémon Company International), a subsidiary of Japan's Pokémon Co., now oversees all Pokémon licensing outside of Asia.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 16:43


参考资料:决 对 自 己

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 16:43


热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 16:44


热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 16:45

口袋妖怪(台湾译作神奇宝贝,港澳译作宠物小精灵,马新译作袋魔,而中国*并没有统一的官方译名)[1],是由日本Game Freak代表田尻智于1995年开发,日本任天堂株式会社于1996年推出的一款Game Boy(任天堂所推出之掌上型游戏机)游戏。
其名称(Pokémon ポケモン)是来源于日文罗马字的缩写:“Pocket Monsters”(ポケットモンスター,Poketto Monsutā)。其独特的游戏系统广受大众的欢迎,年度产品销量近千万(红、绿二版本合计。全系列作目前累积已破亿)。任天堂趁此热潮,推出后续的一系列游戏、漫画、书籍、对战卡片及周边产品,还联合日本东京电视台推出电视动画,以及一年一度的剧场版动画电影,更在1998年成功进军美国,并拓展至世界各地(除了少数地方因为宗教等因素)。目前“Pokémon”已成功打入全世界数十个国家,成为世界闻名的卡通形象和日本的国民动画。相关产品销售额达数十亿美元以上。因为各部份的成长,目前口袋妖怪相关事业已经独立成一公司-The Pokémon Company(株式会社ポケモン),为任天堂旗下的子公司之一。
口袋妖怪的概念起源于一种日本的流行的娱乐方式——昆虫收集(insect collecting),当口袋妖怪的创始人田尻智小的时候,他就很喜欢这类消遣。这种理念在1998年被带入了美国市场,这种游戏允许游戏者捕捉,收集,培养数百只生物,也就是通常所说的口袋妖怪;与其它口袋妖怪战斗以增长力量。这些口袋妖怪会在得到更多力量后进化,成为更强大的口袋妖怪,学到新的更强大的招式。在战斗中口袋妖怪从来不会流血或死亡,只是会晕倒(游戏中称“失去战斗能力”)。这对田尻智来说是一个敏感话题,因为他不想让这个游戏世界充满更多“毫无意义的暴力”(pointless violence)。

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Pokémon (disambiguation).
"Pocket Monsters" redirects here. For the unrelated media franchise, see Monster in My Pocket.

The official logo of Pokémon, the English variant of the original Japanese Poketto Monsutā
Pokémon (ポケモン Pokemon?, English pronunciation: /?po?ke?mɑ?n/, POH-kay-mahn[1]) is a media franchise published and owned by the video game company Nintendo and created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1996. Originally released as a pair of interlinkable Game Boy role-playing video games, Pokémon has since become the second most successful and lucrative video game-based media franchise in the world, behind only Nintendo's own Mario series.[2] Pokémon properties have since been merchandised into anime, manga, trading cards, toys, books, and other media. The franchise celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2006,[3] and as of 28 May 2010, cumulative sales of the video games (including home console versions, such as the "Pikachu" Nintendo 64) have reached more than 200 million copies.[4]
The name Pokémon is the romanized contraction of the Japanese brand Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā?),[5] as such contractions are quite common in Japan. The term "Pokémon", in addition to referring to the Pokémon franchise itself, also collectively refers to the 649 fictional species that have made appearances in Pokémon media as of the release of the Pokémon role-playing game (RPG) for the Nintendo DS, Pokémon Black and White. Like the words deer and sheep, the word "Pokémon" is identical in both the singular and plural, as is each indivial species name; in short, it is grammatically correct to say both "one Pokémon" and "many Pokémon" as well as "one Pikachu" and "many Pikachu". In November 2005, 4Kids Entertainment, which had managed the non-game related licensing of Pokémon, announced that it had agreed not to renew the Pokémon representation agreement. Pokémon USA Inc. (now The Pokémon Company International), a subsidiary of Japan's Pokémon Co., now oversees all Pokémon licensing outside of Asia.
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