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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 18:56



热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 13:18

The Library Guy
When I first came to college,I had no friends.I was too shy to talk to other people.But there was just 1 person,he just changed my life.
It was a normal day,I was walking pass by the road.Nothing really happened,nothing new.I went to the library and doing my homework.I was considering about if I should do something about community with people.But ya,like usual,i give up on it.
A guy came and asked if theres someone sitting next to.I told him no.He smiled to me,and just sat down.But few minites later,he start tried to talk to me,I was just listen and saying nothing.He told me I was too shy,I should be talking more,that way,it would help me with my life.I just noded.
The other day,I went to the library again,still doing homework,nothing much.And the same guy just apparents in fornt of me.I smiled to him,and he start talking,"what's up?" he asked."nothing much." I said."You really should talk more." with a big smile.I thought he was a weird guy,and just smile to him.So almost everyday i see him,he talks to me,and tell me how his day was.Sometimes he has fun stories,that made me laugh.And so,we became good friends.
One day,I found out that he's in my college too.And tried to say hi to him.But he was with his friends,so I didnt do it."hey,come here" He shouted."Hi" i smiled to him,and also to his friends.He introced me to them,I was smilling all the time,and still kinda shy,and donno what to do.
But i guess,after 2 weeks or so,most of his friends are my friends,and i loved them.I talk to them everytime i see them,and so,that special guy changed my life.Ive always wanted to thanks him,but we are good friends.so kinda awkward to say that.
But thats my story,with the library guy.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 13:18

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