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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 18:53



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 02:27

a. how have you been dreaming of university, specifically in studing and living?
b.well. my ideal life in university is that i got to learn what i am really interested and make a lot of cool guys. for example, i am pretty interested in economics(自己换学科)and i want to study economics in Shanghai,which is the economic center of China.
a. oh, that's cool.
b.yeah, and i also hope to meet new people, excellent professors and students, i wish i could get into a project and do something really cool. besides, making friends is important in a university. of course, a boyfriend/girlfriend, too.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 02:27

A: What are you going to be in college?
B: I want to be a singer.
A: What is your hobby?
B: I like singing
A: Oh, it's great.追问认真点

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 02:27

a. how have you been dreaming of university, specifically in studing and living?
b.well. my ideal life in university is that i got to learn what i am really interested and make a lot of cool guys. for example, i am pretty interested in economics(自己换学科)and i want to study economics in Shanghai,which is the economic center of China.
a. oh, that's cool.
b.yeah, and i also hope to meet new people, excellent professors and students, i wish i could get into a project and do something really cool. besides, making friends is important in a university. of course, a boyfriend/girlfriend, too.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 02:27

A: What are you going to be in college?
B: I want to be a singer.
A: What is your hobby?
B: I like singing
A: Oh, it's great.追问认真点

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 02:27

a. how have you been dreaming of university, specifically in studing and living?
b.well. my ideal life in university is that i got to learn what i am really interested and make a lot of cool guys. for example, i am pretty interested in economics(自己换学科)and i want to study economics in Shanghai,which is the economic center of China.
a. oh, that's cool.
b.yeah, and i also hope to meet new people, excellent professors and students, i wish i could get into a project and do something really cool. besides, making friends is important in a university. of course, a boyfriend/girlfriend, too.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 02:27

A: What are you going to be in college?
B: I want to be a singer.
A: What is your hobby?
B: I like singing
A: Oh, it's great.追问认真点

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 02:27

a. how have you been dreaming of university, specifically in studing and living?
b.well. my ideal life in university is that i got to learn what i am really interested and make a lot of cool guys. for example, i am pretty interested in economics(自己换学科)and i want to study economics in Shanghai,which is the economic center of China.
a. oh, that's cool.
b.yeah, and i also hope to meet new people, excellent professors and students, i wish i could get into a project and do something really cool. besides, making friends is important in a university. of course, a boyfriend/girlfriend, too.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 02:27

A: What are you going to be in college?
B: I want to be a singer.
A: What is your hobby?
B: I like singing
A: Oh, it's great.追问认真点

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