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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 19:06



热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 15:39

She was born and grew up in Beijing, but her career started in Hong Kong. Despite the huge success of this song, Wong herself hardly felt the resonation of applause. Instead, she saw this as simply an isolated hit typical within the fickle world of Hong Kong pop.

Fortunately Faye Wong soon began to receive spiritual (精神上的) support from the emerging rock bands of Beijing, including Black Panther. Then in 1994, six years after her first encounter with Black Panther, Faye Wong finally revealed her relationship with the rock band's lead singer, Dou Wei. From this point on, Faye Wong began to attempt some changes in her singing style. The song we'll hear next is "Persistence," the first work to include her own creative touches, with lyrics that express her persistent love towards Dou Wei.

Dou Wei brought Faye Wong not only love for her life but also soul for her music, with his rich knowledge of European and American music. They exploited their combined musical qualities to the full with our next song. It's another cover, this time of the song Cold War by Tori Amos, but it's another cover which sent shockwaves around the circumference (环境) of the whole Chinese pop circle.

After this song, Faye Wong began to co-operate more with musicians from the Chinese mainland (*), including Zhang Yadong, Cao Jun and Bai Fanglin. Despite working with others, she also continued to develop her own indiviality. On the album "Imagine Things," she performs works from celestial sounding bands like "The Cranberries" and "Cocteau Twins," comfortably tackling this completely different musical style. After that, she released another album entitled "Cater to Myself," on which she bravely exclaimed "I don't want to cater to the market. I just want to cater to myself."

In 1996, Faye Wong totally abandoned the mainstream (主流) market of love songs and released a new album, "Impetuous." If a cover of Tori Amos caused shockwaves, this new album could be compared to a bomb lobbed among the traditional aesthetics (审美学) of the Chinese pop circle. It was therefore no surprise when in October14, 1996, Faye Wong followed film star Gong Li to become only the second Chinese artist on the cover of Time magazine.

In January, 1997, Faye Wong gave birth to a baby girl and prepared herself for a comeback. In fact, despite her one year's complete withdrawal from the spotlight, she had not been forgotten by her fans. She also had some new material with "If You're Happy, I'm Happy," a tune (曲调) specially created for her newly-born daughter.

At this point, Faye Wong seemed to be the happiest woman in the world, with a constantly smiling face for media and the public. She'd established her career, she had a good husband and she had a beloved daughter. Then in 1998, her new album "Sing and Travel" brought her career to its musical peak (顶峰), with an accompanying concert tour throughout the country.

However, nothing seems to last forever, especially in the world of entertainment. Just after Faye Wong had been hailed as the "happiest woman in the world" by media, so in 1999 her marriage with Dou Wei came to an abrupt end. Following this sensational split, the name of Dou Wei was completely struck out from the artistic output of Faye Wong. However, you can still read her feelings for him in the lyrics of the following song: "Look at the moonlight of that time. How could it turn into sunshine almost overnight?"

Today, although we can never again see the influence of Dou Wei in Faye Wong's music, we can still detect something of the past through her cooperation with another mainland musician, Zhang Yadong (张亚东).

He's been making music with Faye Wong for years, and together with lyricist Lin Xi, the three have been hailed as a golden trio. Every one of her new albums would continue to sweep through music charts across the country, and win innumerous awards at the end of the year. As a bonus, the album "Eyes on Me" even sold well in the difficult Japanese market.

However, since the album "Fables," Faye Wong's musical style has graally become more standardized. Faye Wong is no longer the alternative singer who dared to do everything differently. Instead she a pillar stone of Chinese pop music, although she has no grand wishes and simply wants to be an ordinary person. Maybe this explains why the singer wishes to quit her career, enabling her to be a good mother and a good wife after getting married for the second time.

Okay, before I wind up today's program I'll play you one last song from Faye Wong, although it really is hard to pick just one more from such a huge repertoire. However I've picked the song "I Love the Stranger Only," since it seems to well express this singer's attitude toward life and love, with her frankness and straightforwardness.

"What I love is purer than the color of your face and more innocent than a pet. When all that I need is a kiss, please, just give me a kiss."


热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 15:39

Faye Wong, or Wang Fei (Chinese: 王菲; Hanyu Pinyin: Wang Fēi) (born August 8, 1969 in Beijing, now a Hong Kong citizen) is an extremely popular singer in Asia, especially in mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and more recently in Japan and to some extent in the West.

She is believed by critics and fans alike to be the most commercially and artistically distinguished female vocalist in Chinese music history, with a following so large and devoted that media in Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China often place the title tiānhou, (天后; diva or goddess) before her name while Japanese fans call her "Diva of Asia". Shy and intensely private, she is one of the very few people widely popular on both sides of the Taiwan straits despite her aggressive avoidance of the media. According to The Guinness Book of Records, she has sold 9.7 millons copies of all her albums as of March 2000. Not only openly admired by well-known celebrities around the world, she was also labeled as the gay icon among the gay community. She has acted in several TV shows and films, most memorably in Wong Kar-wai's Chungking Express, a role that garnered her international acclaim, as well as the award for "Best Actress" at the 1994 Stockholm Film Festival; and his most recent 2046, starring as an android and one of Tony Leung's love interests. She is known not only to many Final Fantasy fans for her Final Fantasy VIII theme "Eyes On Me", but also as the spokeswoman of such brands as Head & Shoulders shampoo and Pepsi-Cola. She was chosen by director Zhang Yimou to record the theme song for the critically acclaimed film Hero.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 15:40

Who is Faye Wong ?

Yeah, this is a good question!! Who is that singer I have never heard about ??

Some reactions of my friends have sometimes made me laugh. I live in France, and they sometimes tell me: "... But erm, is your Faye Wong really known??? coz I went to the mall, and I found nothing about her !!". That reaction makes me laugh now I know Faye, and I think some of you also laugh behind their computer... Faye Wong is a very famous star in asian countries, but I'm sure she will become more and more famous in Europe !

Faye Wong represents many things for me : first, she is for me a really beautiful and talentuous singer who incarnates Asian musical culture (HK's one at least) ; she is also THE canto pop star ; finally, she gives for me many feelings through her songs. I will try to write for you some sentences and explanations about those three points i've just told you, that's to say, Faye's biography, but also what she does actually represent in the world, and finally what my feelings are when i'm listening to her songs...



She was born and grew up in Beijing, but her career started in Hong Kong. Despite the huge success of this song, Wong herself hardly felt the resonation of applause. Instead, she saw this as simply an isolated hit typical within the fickle world of Hong Kong pop.Fortunately Fa...


据考证,王菲的祖父叫王墨林,亦称王兆民,他与李敖的父亲在北大国文系是同班同学,是很要好的朋友。王菲的父亲王佑林是家中次子,小时候曾经与李敖的大姐李珉被双方家长指腹为婚,不过后来他还是违了家长的好意,与从事文艺工作的夏桂影结婚,这也就是王菲的妈妈啦!2.曾名夏林,生来孤独 王菲的幼年可能...


中文名:王菲(十五岁前随母亲姓,叫夏林) 时常出没的地方:家 英文名:Faye Wong (Shirley已弃用) 喜爱的季节:秋季 艺名:王靖雯(已弃用) 喜爱的运动:排球 游泳 职 业:歌手 喜欢的人物:家人 出生日期:1969年8月8日 喜爱娱乐:和朋友在一起打麻将 出生地点:北京 喜欢的衣服:舒适、简单 生...


王菲的个人简介 个人档案 中文名:王菲 英文名:Faye Wong (Shirley已弃用) 艺名:王靖雯 曾用名:夏林 出生地点:北京 民族:汉 出生日期:1969年8月8日 生肖:鸡 职业:歌手,演员


中文名:王菲(十五岁前随母亲姓,叫夏林) 时常出没的地方:家 英文名:Faye Wong (Shirley已弃用) 喜爱的季节:秋季 艺名:王靖雯(已弃用) 喜爱的运动:排球 游泳 职业:歌手 喜欢的人物:家人 出生日期:1969年8月8日 喜爱娱乐:和朋友在一起打麻将 出生地点:北京 喜欢的衣服:舒适、简单 生...


中文名:王菲(十五岁前随母亲姓,叫夏林) 艺名:王靖雯(已弃用)英文名:Faye Wong (Shirley已弃用) 出生日期:1969年8月8日 生肖:鸡喜爱的季节:秋季 喜爱的运动:排球 游泳时常出没的地方:家职业:歌手 喜欢的人物:家人 喜爱娱乐:和朋友在一起打麻将 出生地点:北京 喜欢的衣服:舒适、简单最怕的事:与陌生人沟通 ...


王菲[1]是中国女歌手与影视女演员.1987年由出生地北京移居香港,1989年正式踏入歌坛.使用艺名王靖雯(英文名是ShirleyWong);对应"王菲"的英文名是Faye Wong,一般在华人圈外使用.空灵的声音,率真的个性,智慧的眼睛,慵懒的表情,有时无奈,有时轻狂,有时平静,有时激扬。王菲2010巡唱记者会唱片公司;1989年...


英文名 : Faye (《Coming Home》前叫Shirley)生日:1969年8月8日 星座:狮子座 血型:O 型 身高:172 厘米 体重:50 公斤 出生地 : 北京 参考资料:http://yule.sohu.com/96/78/column213047896.shtml


中文名:王菲 曾用名:夏林(王菲母亲夏桂影是文工团的女高音,王菲在十五岁之前一直随母亲姓夏,取名夏林。)英文名:Faye Wong (Shirley已弃用)艺名:王靖雯(已弃用)出生地点:北京 出生日期:1969年8月8日 生肖:鸡 职业:歌手 喜爱的运动:排球 游泳 喜欢的人物:家人 喜爱娱乐:和朋友在一起打...


北京人.原名 : 王菲 (十五岁前叫夏林)艺名 : 王靖雯 (《胡思乱想》改回真名王菲)英文名 : Faye (《Coming Home》前叫Shirley)出生地 : 北京 近视 : 400 度左右 家庭成员 : 父亲王佑林,母亲夏桂影(去世),哥哥王弋,女儿窦靖童 出生医院 : 北京协和医院 就读小学 : 北京地坛小学 就读中学 : ...

王菲的英文名 王菲唱过的英文歌 王菲说英文 王菲的英语歌曲 王菲传奇英文版 王菲翻唱的英语歌 王菲乘客原唱英文版 传奇歌曲王菲英文版 王菲个人简介
我用银行卡网购了。怎么被注销了? 装电线的时候,不同区域该用什'么规格的电线? SY0401-98《输油输气管道线路工程施工及验收规范》废止后,用什么规范... 汇率一直变动,对中国工业品出口竞争力产生了影响,但是应该用什么... ...整个盘面流出资金大于流入资金,但是股票仍然升.. 请问股市或个股资金的流入与流出是什么意思啊? 股市之中的"资金流入"和"资金流出"分别是什么意思? 什么是股市中的资金流入和流出现象,如何理解 耕升gtx titan x 显卡怎么样 gtxtitanx是游戏显卡吗 恒瑞医药股票历史净值 (王菲擅长英语,但是她数学很差)用英语怎么说 双汇发展股票历史净值 王菲是哪些明星的偶像 为什么160631基金这个不按累计累计净值计算? 求一些好听的歌。泰文中文英文都可以。韩文日文绝对不要。谢谢。 晶澳科技股票历史净值 跪求好听的英文歌,有赏 英语作文我最喜欢的女明星80词左右 大家帮我找一些F.I.R的资料,并用英文翻译 资深菲迷们:王菲的什么网站比较权威? 初中女生短发的发型..// 要带图.(带图可另外加分) 脸大的女生适合什么中短发发型图片 怎么用按键精灵制作自动杀人脚本。 慈溪滴滴快车怎么收费 慈溪市滴滴打车快吗 脚本精灵怎么做脚本? 我是六五年的属蛇人二零一六年运势如何 宁波上的牌照在慈溪跑滴滴快车有奖励吗? 六五年出生的蛇一生运程 方大炭素股票历史净值 王菲对不起谢霆锋,冒险为其生子,谢霆锋作法彰显人品,他做了什么? 舍得酒业股票历史净值 am bition faye是什么意思 当代歌坛 关于王菲 怎样查看股票历史净值 怎样在群里回复刁民家长的信息 学生在群里发信息怎么回复 excel出现相同内容怎么设置显示 群员如何回复群主的建议 怎么自制圣女果干? EXCEL中单元格显示相同内容 大规模圣女果怎么晒干? 打算在恩典科技网上订制尼龙背包,尼龙面料有什么特点呢? EXCEL显示相同的内容? 圣女果怎样晾干? 西红柿怎样晾干不黑? 圣女果如何制干 圣女果可以整个晾晒吗? 阳台小番茄一到中午好像被晒干了似的咋办?