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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 17:54



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 03:35

I admire Bill Gates, he is a man with dignity and wealth. He cares for the people whose life standard are much lower than his own. A majority of the world can never measure up to his kindness at heart. At the same time, he can be said is a successful parent. When mentoring his own children, he avoids letting his wealth blind what is really needed to show his children that he is caring about them. His decision to not leave a single cent to his children but instead donating everything for charity is highly respected. Bill Gates is definitely a man worthy of respect and he definitely lives up to his own reputation of being the world's richest man. Richest at wealth and at heart.



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 03:35

I admire Bill Gates, he is a man with dignity and wealth. He cares for the people whose life standard are much lower than his own. A majority of the world can never measure up to his kindness at heart. At the same time, he can be said is a successful parent. When mentoring his own children, he avoids letting his wealth blind what is really needed to show his children that he is caring about them. His decision to not leave a single cent to his children but instead donating everything for charity is highly respected. Bill Gates is definitely a man worthy of respect and he definitely lives up to his own reputation of being the world's richest man. Richest at wealth and at heart.



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 03:35

dmire Zhang Haidi 张海迪
There are many people that I admire.Among them I admire Zhang Haidi most.Have you heard of her?She was healthy when she was born.But when she was older,she became handicapped.She couldn't walk.Every day she had to stay in bed.She was very sad.But she didn't give up.She thought she should do something to help herself and our country.So she began to learn English and many other things.She can speak English very well and she also can translate English stories.Most people know her and learn from her.People are calling her a succssful woman.We all know it is hard to succeed.But if we keep on trying .I think nothing is impossible.
3he person i admire the most the my brother.he was born in 1982.He does well in all his subjects and he has a good personality too!my brother is also good at singing,he has a lot of friends.He even dined with the famous singer sha baoliang before.my brother has won a lot of awards and triumphs.
my brother has set a good example for me and I will learn from him!
some day,i believe,through my effort,i will be as excellent as him!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 03:35

dmire Zhang Haidi 张海迪
There are many people that I admire.Among them I admire Zhang Haidi most.Have you heard of her?She was healthy when she was born.But when she was older,she became handicapped.She couldn't walk.Every day she had to stay in bed.She was very sad.But she didn't give up.She thought she should do something to help herself and our country.So she began to learn English and many other things.She can speak English very well and she also can translate English stories.Most people know her and learn from her.People are calling her a succssful woman.We all know it is hard to succeed.But if we keep on trying .I think nothing is impossible.
3he person i admire the most the my brother.he was born in 1982.He does well in all his subjects and he has a good personality too!my brother is also good at singing,he has a lot of friends.He even dined with the famous singer sha baoliang before.my brother has won a lot of awards and triumphs.
my brother has set a good example for me and I will learn from him!
some day,i believe,through my effort,i will be as excellent as him!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 03:36

I worship XXX. He is a writer

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 03:36

I worship XXX. He is a writer
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