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Gazette:The International Journal for Communication Studies. 请教高人这是什么期刊‘

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-14 16:26



热心网友 时间:2022-04-14 17:56

Gazette: The International Journal for Communication Studies


Publisher: SAGE Publications

Gazette is one of the world's leading communication journals publishing
wide-ranging scholarly articles from the international community of
communication scholars.

The journal covers all aspects of communications including the modern mass
media, the traditional media, community and alternative media,
telecommunications and information and communication technologies.

The Editors of GAZETTE have chosen to develop the editorial policy in
accordance with the following key issues:

-- the role of communication in world politics and world trade and its
contribution to international understanding, peace and security;

-- the relationship between communication and development;

-- the theories and techniques of communication policy formation and
communication planning;

-- the development of normative theories in communication studies in
conditions of cultural pluralism;

-- the implications of international human rights standards for the field of

The Editors understand the field of communications to include modern mass
media, traditional media, community and alternative media,
telecommunications and information and communication technologies.

The Journal is international in scope. It will seek, wherever possible, to
publish work by authors with an international reputation and contributions
that are of interest to international audiences. To achieve this the Journal

-- draw on high-quality work from the international community of
communication researchers;

-- avoid bias in favour of the perspectives of any one particular school or
orientation in communication research;

-- invite contributions that have an interdisciplinary and comparative scope
and demonstrate a sensitivity to cultural pluralism;

-- encourage innovative approaches to theoretical and methodological
developments in the communications field;

-- ensure that articles are written in transparent terminology and lucid
style to render them accessible across the borders of specific disciplines;

-- subject submissions to independent peer review.

ISSN: 0016-5492

The Editors
Department of Communication
University of Amsterdam
Kloveniersburgwal 48
1012 CX, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Fax: +(31) 20 525 2845
Tel: +(31) 20 525 2820
Email: gazette@uva.nl

Content available by subscription.

Abstracts available online. Articles available in PDF format.

Current Issue: October 1 2004, Volume 66, No. 5

Date: 27 Sept. 2004

热心网友 时间:2022-04-14 19:14

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