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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-04 03:57



热心网友 时间:2024-07-20 02:05

With China's accession to the WTO WTO, Beijing's successful Olympic bid, China 2008 held in Beijing, the capital of our country, the world Olympics. The hotel industry is also high-speed development of the most labor-intensive industry. Human resources has many deficiencies and problems are exposed. Thus hindering the development of the hotel industry. How to effectively maximize the performance of today's human resources, among the most important issue to bring maximum benefits for the enterprise. Which contains incentives, incentives to motivate staff and taken a series of policies, rules, codes of conduct, ethics, culture and philosophy, as well as the appropriate organization, the sum of the incentives. Through this mechanism, the driving force and attractive, the staff germination motivation to achieve organizational goals, generate goals power caused and maintained to achieve organizational goals behavior so that employees can devote yourself to work, most full enthusiasm for the work of service. The description and research and make recommendations for improvement on the status quo of China's hotel industry in human resources management staff incentives.
Keywords: the interests of the human resources staff incentive effect

热心网友 时间:2024-07-20 02:08

With China's accession to the WTO, Beijing won the bid for the Olympics in Beijing, the capital of our country in 2008 held the world Olympic Games. The hotel industry is also high speed developed, become our country labor force most densely populated industry. The human resources has many deficiencies and problems are exposed. Which hinder the development of the hotel industry. How to effectively make now human resource maximum efficiency, for the enterprise to bring the biggest benefit become nowadays is the most important question. The method contains incentive mechanism, incentive mechanism is to encourage employees to adopt a series of policies, rules and regulations, behavior principle, moral norms, the cultural idea and corresponding organization, the sum of incentive measures. Through this mechanism by the formation of the driving force and attraction, the employees to realize the goal of germination of motivation, produce to realize the goals of power, cause and maintain achieve organizational goals behavior that employees can put into work, in the most full of enthusiasm for service. In this paper, the our country hotel industry human resources management personnel incentive mechanism the current situation of description and study and the existing problems put forward the improvement Suggestions.
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