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If I becom a teacher, will I be happy?的英语作文怎么写啊?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-04 04:05



热心网友 时间:2024-07-04 10:32

If I become a teacher,will I be happy?
The answer of mine must be Yes.
Though there are too many things I should study how to do with,though I cannot make sure that I can let everyone know what I teach,though I must face everyone I teach with my real heart if I will be a teacher,the only thing I can be sure is that if I become a teacher,I will be very happy.
Fist of all,my students’smile as beautiful as flowers.They are always happy and I will be made happy by the lovely flowers.Sencond,when I stand in front of the whole class,and see so many pretty faces,what happy feelings I will get! Then,I teach my student knowledge,when they graate from university and come back to see me,won't I be satisfied?
I always wish I could be a teacher.If I become a teacher,I will be happy for my career and do my best.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-04 10:33

If the people I am a teacher
I would like a hard gardener
Raising efforts in their own students
Let them grow
Grew up to become the pillars of the motherland
The construction of the motherland a future force

If the people I am a teacher
I would like a life beacon of Kai
With students looking for direction in life
Allow them to stay away from
All the evil of all bad gas
In that way the
Tomorrow go into the future

If the people I am a teacher
I would like a good friend
Learning to listen to students about life
All the ups and downs
It was sad when their comfort
Disappointed when it was to encourage
When it was happy to share

If the people I am a teacher
I will try to force their own
All-round development to enable them to
Moral, intellectual, physical, the United States, workers
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