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英语广播站一分钟英语演讲稿,要有个性特色 最晚明天一定要,只需帮我...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-04 03:34



热心网友 时间:2024-07-20 00:38

i just wanna say that i hope i can be a number of the broadcast in school. maybe i have little experence and my voice is not on fine, but broadcast for me is different. i believe the broadcast will communicates a kind of power and some emotion to my schoolmates. i'm opening and i hope i can bring comfort to schoolmates who under the press through brosdcast. meanwhile, i hope i can practise my oral english by the way. i believe i can do a good job, because i am good at making a good communication with schoolmates and getting their idears. i have intrerest in english. i hope i can be a good anouncer by hard working. please trust me.please give me a chance.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-20 00:36

I mainly want to say: I want to enter the school radio station though my voice is not so good, not so rich experience in broadcasting. But I to the broadcast understanding different from others. I think the radio is to convey a sense of emotion and energy to the classmates. I am a lively and cheerful girl, hope that through the radio so that more students in a high school had a auditory comfort, also want to practice my oral english. For the English radio station, I am confident that I can do very well with classmates, because I can have very good communication, understanding their preferences and feelings, learning also has a deep interest in English, through my efforts can be a good weatherman. Please believe me, give me a chance!

热心网友 时间:2024-07-20 00:43

I want to enter the school radio station though my voice is not so good, not so rich experience in broadcasting. But I to the broadcast understanding different from others. I think the radio is to convey a sense of emotion and energy to the classmates. I am a lively and cheerful girl, hope that through the radio so that more students in a high school had a auditory comfort, also want to practice my oral english. For the English radio station, I am confident that I can do very well with classmates, because I can have very good communication, understanding their preferences and feelings, learning also has a deep interest in English, through my efforts can be a good weatherman. Please believe me, give me a chance!
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