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...some meat on the plate. 2.There are (10 kilos)of apple on the...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-08 12:36



热心网友 时间:2024-07-17 00:34

1.There is some meat on the plate
There isn‘t any meat on the plate
Is there any meat on the plate?
Yes,there is. No,there isn't

2.There are (10 kilos)of apple on the desk.
There aren't 10 kilos of apple on the desk.
Are there 10 kilos of apple on the desk?
Yes,there are. No,there aren't
划线提问:How many apples are there on the desk?

热心网友 时间:2024-07-17 00:37

2,There isn't any meat on the plate.和There aren't (10 kilos)of apple on the desk.
3Is there any meat on the plate? Yes,there is 否定:No there isn't
Are there (10 kilos)of apple on the desk?.肯定Yes there are 否定No there aren't
4:How many apples are on the desk.?

热心网友 时间:2024-07-17 00:37

2.There is not any meat on the plate。There are not 10 kilos of apples on the desk.
3.Is there any meat on the plate?Are there 10 kilos of apples on the desk?
4.How many kilos of apples are there on the desk?
there aresomemeatontheplate他哪儿错了

应该是there is some meat on the plate.

kilos和kilograms kilos什么apples kilos of meat pounds to kilos thirty kilos kilos of rice kilo和kilos ten kilos five kilos
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