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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-10 18:37



热心网友 时间:2024-07-10 19:12

Respect expensive hotel leader:
You are good!
In spite of being very busy first thanks you in to read this letter!
My name am Tang Xuemei, this year 20 years old, I am Xi'an touch on foreign affairs the traveling vocational school student, majors in the hotel
management specialty.Two year campus lives made me to set up the correct outlook on life, the values.Formed the hot
sentiment to progress, the indomitable disposition and the honest code of honor, had the sense of responsibility, had the compassion life creed.
Many do farm work, many harvests.In two year study lives, I grasped the specialized knowledge
skilled, the multi-skill knowledge structure have enabled me to be competent many kinds of work.Under day by day intense market competition environment
, my unceasing pursue, unremitting endeavor.Because I believed: The success belongs to the human who does farm work diligently.
The good faith personhood, works is steadfastly my life criterion.In the large number of students, I am by no means best, but I
have the unremitting struggle will, recovers the war stronger energetic and the diligent practical attitude, is most important
now at last.
“Graciousness of the intellectual instruction, the bubbling spring reports”, looks the expensive hotel to inspect my situation comprehensively honestly, if can deceive you to look upon with favor
, I deeply felt is honored.And in the future work, will strive for success unremittingly the vigor, does not lose keeps forging ahead the heart, gram
completely oneself can, will offer all for the expensive hotel enterprise!
Regardless of hires or not me all very much to thank the expensive hotel for me this opportunity, hoped can obtain you to look upon with favor enables me
to have the opportunity to contribute labor and materials for this collective, the respect hopes the echo!
Wishing: The expensive hotel progresses day by day, all staff health is progressive!
The I herewith offer
offers to volunteer the human: Tang Xuemei
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