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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-10 05:41



热心网友 时间:2024-07-10 06:15

Sbarro, the Swiss boutique manufacturer, will showcase a concept car at the Geneva Motor Show, titled 行为.v<!--. Unlike conventional electric vehicles, this coupé is a hybrid, a result of the collaborative effort of 30 students from the company's Industrial Design Institute. They spent 13 intensive weeks designing it, focusing on meeting the demands of road travel. The primary objective of 行为.v<!-- extends beyond just being a concept; it also embraces the potential for mass production.

Equipped with a Peugeot V6 engine delivering a maximum power output of 210 horsepower, the engine is strategically placed in the vehicle's center, driving the rear wheels. The front wheels are supported by two motors, contributing an additional 268 horsepower. This power is sourced from a 24 kWh lithium-ion battery pack. However, specifics about its driving range and energy efficiency have yet to be disclosed.

Signifying Sbarro's proactive stance in the realm of electric mobility, the launch of this hybrid concept car represents a significant step forward. Although there are no immediate plans for mass production, the design and performance of 行为.v<!-- undoubtedly present innovative ideas for future advancements in the新能源 automobile industry.

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