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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 11:23



热心网友 时间:2024-07-12 07:15


I'm standing in the station,
I am waiting for a train,
To take me to the border,
And my loved one far away,
I watched a bunch of soldiers heading for the war,
I could hardly even bear to see them go;
Rolling through the countryside,
Tears are in my eyes,
We're coming to the borderline,
I'm ready with my lies,
And in the early morning rain,
I see her there,
And I know I'll have to say goodbye again;
And it''s breaking my heart,
I know what I must do,
I hear my country call me,
but I want to be with you,
I'm taking my side,
one of us will lose,
Don't let go, I want to know,
That you will wait for me until the day,
There's no borderline, no borderline;
Walking past the border guards,
Reaching for her hand,
Showing no emotion,
I want to break into a run,
But these are only boys,
and I will never know,
How men can see the wisdom in a war...
And it's breaking my heart,
I know what I must do,
I hear my country call me,
but I want to be with you,
I'm taking my side,
one of us will lose,
Don't let go, I want to know,
That you will wait for me until the day,
There's no borderline,
no borderline...
No borderline,
no borderline...

热心网友 时间:2024-07-24 23:23


I'm standing in the station,
I am waiting for a train,
To take me to the border,
And my loved one far away,
I watched a bunch of soldiers heading for the war,
I could hardly even bear to see them go;
Rolling through the countryside,
Tears are in my eyes,
We're coming to the borderline,
I'm ready with my lies,
And in the early morning rain,
I see her there,
And I know I'll have to say goodbye again;
And it''s breaking my heart,
I know what I must do,
I hear my country call me,
but I want to be with you,
I'm taking my side,
one of us will lose,
Don't let go, I want to know,
That you will wait for me until the day,
There's no borderline, no borderline;
Walking past the border guards,
Reaching for her hand,
Showing no emotion,
I want to break into a run,
But these are only boys,
and I will never know,
How men can see the wisdom in a war...
And it's breaking my heart,
I know what I must do,
I hear my country call me,
but I want to be with you,
I'm taking my side,
one of us will lose,
Don't let go, I want to know,
That you will wait for me until the day,
There's no borderline,
no borderline...
No borderline,
no borderline...
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