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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 03:50



热心网友 时间:2024-08-15 15:31

At present, many university graduations return alive do not have the true understanding professional profession plan precise meaning, to the professional profession plan's important meaning understanding insufficiency, did not understand that the professional profession plan the procedure, carries on the plan deficient the concrete skill. Therefore many university students to professional profession plan or indifferent relative, either does not have at a loss follows, either causes the plan to become a mere formality, either the employer detachment condition does not come " the plan willfully along with own interest ", this can cause the professional profession plan to have the function not to be able to display fully. This article unifies the current university student professional profession plan existence the question, proposed some mentalities to the university student professional profession plan design. key word: The university student gets employed the professional profession plan

热心网友 时间:2024-08-15 15:29

At present, many university graduates still have not truly understand career planning the exact meaning of the Career Planning sufficient understanding of the significance and does not understand career planning process, the lack of specific planning skills. So many college students on career planning or relatively cold, or at a loss without a fitness from, or planning a mere formality, or with arbitrary disregard of the objective and subjective conditions to their own whims, "planning", which will lead to career planning should be role can not be brought into full play. In this paper, current college students career planning existing problems, career planning and design students put forward some ideas.

Key words: Graduate Employment Career Planning

热心网友 时间:2024-08-15 15:35


Currently, not many college students really understand the meaning of career planning.They don't know much about it, dont undetsand the procedures of making career planning, and even lack of the planning skill.Therefore some of them disregard it,some don't know what to do,some plan it but don't follow it, and some plan it without thinking of their objective and subjective conditions. All these may cause the failure of career planning.This article provides the solutions for the existed problems that may occur during the career planning.

Key words:Job hunting for college students,career planning
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