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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 18:35



热心网友 时间:2024-07-16 10:36

Feel he's talking quite good of, after hearing, overturned after I for the American people some wrong views, in fact, whether you are in a rich country or are in a poor country, you need to work hard to, as a young man on you in addition to shoulder the responsibility and mission of the family, you more recognize that you or the country's hope, sometimes we often in to our country for many of our many her to complain, but whether we think himself in this country, as a member of this nation, we can contribute to this country? Also, we should have a broad vision, want to have a courageous, we can help the world vision to make what, the world can be because my existence and change?

热心网友 时间:2024-07-16 10:35

I have a big family - my mother,my father and I. I am a student.I like drawing very much.My father is good at painting so he always teaches me to paint. My mother is a teacher, so she can help me with my study. I have a happy family. Don't you think so?

热心网友 时间:2024-07-16 10:40

there are 3 members in our family,my father,my mother and i.we love each other deeply.my father likes reading.we share a big bookshelf,and he take large proportion o f it.everyday he reading newspaper, magazines and all kinds of paper which have letters on it.my mum love to play computer games since i teach her how to do it.she likes to see the movies and play majiang on it.what's more, i like to do some games in our garden with my dog.we are very happiness for we can do whatever we like.we never quarel, if we have some promblems we will sit together and take suggestions from each other.My family is very harmonious,i love my family.

我的家人 英语 作文 篇一 This is my family . there are 3people in my family .they are my mother ,fatner and me .l often go shopping with my mother . she sometimes buy a cake for me. l usually go swimming with my father .l like to swim very much.my father li...


我爱我家。【三】🌸🌸🌸案例来咯 英语作文:I have a happy family.I am like my father very much, he is very young, he has big eyes of black, small nose, child, small mouth and round face.He has the short hair of black, the shoes of dress white s...


我的家人英语范文【一】 This is my family . there are 3people in my family are my mother ,fatner and me .l often go shopping with my mother . she sometimes buy a cake for me. l usually go swimming with my father .l like to swim very father likes each other are happy...


您好,很高兴为您解答:My parents are obedient. They take good care of my grandparents. They often help my grandparents with the family chores to make them live better. On weekends, they keep a good company with my grandparents, so that they never feel lonely. Besides, they also...

my family六年级 英语作文50字

我是一个女孩,我在大新小学学习,我爱学习。这是我的家人。【二】🌸🌸🌸案例来咯 英语作文:This is my family photo. My family has ten members.Look, this is my mom. She has long hair and big eyes. She is a super teacher. He’s my dad. He likes ...


翻译:我家有四口人,我爸爸、我妈妈、我姐姐和我。我爸爸是一名工人。他在一家工厂工作。我妈妈是一名医生。她很忙。她每天乘公共汽车去医院。我姐姐是六年级的学生,我也是一名小学生。我是四年级。我爱我的家人。【二】🌈🌈🌈案例来啦 There are four people in my ...

介绍家人英语作文 带翻译 60词

我父母,我奶奶和我.My family is a warm and happy.我的家庭很温馨和幸福.I’m good at sports ,I do well in running and swimming.我擅长体育运动,我在跑步和游泳上做得最好.I study very hard,I like English ,Maths and Art.我学习努力,我喜欢英语、数学和美术.My father is a driver...

《my family》30字英语作文带翻译的?

He is strict with me.My brother is a 12-year-old boy.He is very naughty.He likes playing computer best.I am a middle school student.I like singing best.My dream is to be a singer.This is my family.It is warm.I like it very much.我的家我家有四口人.他们分别是我的...


一篇介绍我的家人英语作文5句话左右的范文:my family There are four people in my family:my grandfa,my father,my mother and me.My grandfa is seventy years old this year.He treats me very well.He is a kind old man.My father is taller than him,he wears a pair of glass.My ...


所以,我的责任就是好好学习。在我的业余时间,我总是帮我母亲做家务,这让我学习到更多我们无法从书中学到的知识,。我的家人都给我很多的快乐。他们称赞我因为我的细心。我的一家 In my life, I am proud of having a happy family. I have a kind father, strict mother and a naught little...

我的家人英语作文100个单词 我的家人英语作文100词带翻译 我的家人英语作文100词 英语作文我的家庭40单词 我的家人英语作文结尾 我的家庭英语作文翻译 我的家人英语作文50个单词 我的家人英语作文40个单词 我的家人英语作文40个单词
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