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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-04 00:25



热心网友 时间:2024-08-05 13:43

The economic environment, analyses negotiation opponent of the country in which economic status, and understand the local business situation help designated appropriate negotiations strategies. Secondly, the country's economic situation also nots allow to ignore. Changes in the economy might to enterprise planning and product sales bring tremendous influence. Notice also that the target market. The survey of target can be from three aspects. First, the demand. Including target market on the product market demand, demand structure, the demand of satisfaction, potential demand, etc. Through investigation, to find out the target market on consumers' consumption psychology and consumption demand, basically master consumers for this product expense intention, objective estimation this product's competitiveness. These benefits and negotiation opponent bargaining and obtain better economic benefits.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-05 13:43

Economic environment of the countries in which negotiating partners the current economic situation, to understand local business conditions will help businesses specify the appropriate negotiation strategy. Secondly, the country's economic situation can not be ignored. Changes in the economy may have business planning and product sales have a huge impact. Also note that the target market. Three aspects of the survey can be targeted. First, the demand situation. Including the target market, total demand for the products in the market, demand structure, demand satisfaction, the potential demand and other aspects. Through investigation, you can find out the target market, consumer psychology and consumer demand, basically grasp the intention of the consumer consumption of the product, objective estimate of the competitiveness of their products. These opponents are conducive to bargaining and negotiation, to achieve better economic efficiency.
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