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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 15:54



热心网友 时间:2024-07-10 17:09

If you wanna lie to me
If you'll ever see yourself
Don't come back and cry for me
'Cause you've gone too far

If you wanna lie to me
If you'll ever see yourself
Don't come back and cry for me
'Cause you've gone too far

If you feel my love
Can you hear my thoughts
Can you feel everything
And if you hear my thoughts
Can you feed my soul
Can you save it too

You're not the one that I need
To stay high on my feet
Don't need you to succeed
Can you feel that hate that runs to you
Can you feel it too

If you wanna lie to me
You must change the file
Play your games
Be with your jerks
It will be just fine
If you'll ever see yourself
Just the way you are
Don't come back and cry for me
'Cause you've gone too far

If you wanna lie to me
You must change the file
Play your games
Be with your jerks
It will be just fine
If you'll ever see yourself
Just the way you are
Don't come back and cry for me
'Cause you've gone too far

If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want

If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want

If you wanna lie to me
If you'll ever see yourself
Cause you've gone too far

If you wanna lie to me
If you'll ever see yourself
Don't come back and cry for me
Cause you've gone too far

If you feel my love
Can you hear my thoughts
Can you feel everything
If you hear my thoughts
Can you feed my soul
Can you save it too

You're not the one that I need
To stay high on my feet
Don't need you to succeed
Can you feel that hate that runs to you
Can you feel it too

If you wanna lie to me
You must change the file
Play your games
Be with your jerks
It will be just fine
If you'll ever see yourself
Just the way you are
Don't come back and cry for me
'Cause you've gone too far

If you wanna lie to me
You must change the file
Play your games
Be with your jerks
It will be just fine
If you'll ever see yourself
Just the way you are
Don't come back and cry for me
'Cause you've gone too far

If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want

If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want

If you wanna lie to me
You must change the file
Play your games
Be with your jerks
It will be just fine
If you'll ever see yourself
Just the way you are
Don't come back and cry for me
'Cause you've gone too far

If you wanna lie to me
You must change the file
Play your games
Be with your jerks
It will be just fine
If you'll ever see yourself
Just the way you are
Don't come back and cry for me
'Cause you've gone too far
欺君王 瞒皇上
欺君王 瞒皇上

If you feel my love 如果您觉得我的爱

Can you hear my thoughts 你能听到我的想法

Can you feel everything 你能感受到我的一切

And if you hear my thoughts 如果你听到我的想法
Can you feed my soul 你能喂养我的灵魂

Can you save it too 你同样可以将它保存

You're not the one that I need 我需要你不是一个的人
To stay high on my feet 我仍然会脚踏实地
Don't need you to succeed 不需要你成功
Can you feel that hate that runs to you 可你觉得恨你运行
Can you feel it too 你同样能感到它

If you wanna lie to me 如果你想对我说谎
You must change the file 你必须更改文件
Play your games 发挥你的游戏
Be with your jerks 是你的急跳

It will be just fine 这将是很好
If you'll ever see yourself 如果你看到自己
Just the way you are就像你
Don't come back and cry for me 不要回来为我哭泣
'Cause you've gone too far 是因为你走的太远
If you wanna lie to me 如果你想对我说谎
You must change the file 你必须更改文件
Play your games 发挥你的游戏
Be with your jerks 是你的急跳

It will be just fine 这将是很好
If you'll ever see yourself 如果你看到自己
Just the way you are 就像你
Don't come back and cry for me 不要回来为我哭泣
'Cause you've gone too far 是因为你走的太远

If you wanna be with me 如果你想要和我在一起
If you wanna be with me 如果你想要和我在一起
If you wanna be with me 如果你想要和我在一起
Baby... 亲爱的

欺君王 瞒皇上
欺君王 瞒皇上

If you feel my love 如果您觉得我的爱

Can you hear my thoughts 你能听到我的想法

Can you feel everything 你能感受到我的一切

And if you hear my thoughts 如果你听到我的想法
Can you feed my soul 你能喂养我的灵魂

Can you save it too 你同样可以将它保存

You're not the one that I need 我需要你不是一个的人
To stay high on my feet 我仍然会脚踏实地
Don't need you to succeed 不需要你成功
Can you feel that hate that runs to you 可你觉得恨你运行
Can you feel it too 你同样能感到它

If you wanna lie to me 如果你想对我说谎
You must change the file 你必须更改文件
Play your games 发挥你的游戏
Be with your jerks 是你的急跳

It will be just fine 这将是很好
If you'll ever see yourself 如果你看到自己
Just the way you are就像你
Don't come back and cry for me 不要回来为我哭泣
'Cause you've gone too far 是因为你走的太远
If you wanna lie to me 如果你想对我说谎
You must change the file 你必须更改文件
Play your games 发挥你的游戏
Be with your jerks 是你的急跳

It will be just fine 这将是很好
If you'll ever see yourself 如果你看到自己
Just the way you are 就像你
Don't come back and cry for me 不要回来为我哭泣
'Cause you've gone too far 是因为你走的太远

近前看其 近前看其

If you wanna be with me 如果你想要和我在一起
If you wanna be with me 如果你想要和我在一起
If you wanna be with me 如果你想要和我在一起
Baby... 亲爱的·


热心网友 时间:2024-07-10 17:09



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