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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-13 17:14



热心网友 时间:2024-06-06 02:32

1 到了该吃饭的时候了,可她还是没有胃口
It's time to eat, but she still has no appetite.

2 我没心情出去玩 / 我没心情去吃饭
I'm not in the mood to [go out and play] / [eat]

3 有的时候运气对一个人也很重要
Sometimes luck is also important to a person.

4 他希望自己顺利一些,可他的运气一直不怎么好
He hopes that things can go more smoothly, but his luck has never been too good.

5 他经常在反思自己哪里做错了
He often reflects on his faults / mistakes.

6 他想一个人寺庙里静一下,因为那里可以远离城市的喧闹
He wants to be alone in the temple, where he can be as far away from the noisy city as possible.

7 他经常一个人去寺庙 、去电影院,感觉有点孤单
He feels a bit lonely going to the temple and theater often by himself.

5555555 我也不是在特意找你发的提问,只是一点就。。。 就就就发现了,呵呵。

热心网友 时间:2024-06-06 02:31

1 、到了该吃饭的时候了,可她还是没有胃口
To the time of have a meal, but she still no appetite
2 、 我没心情出去玩 / 我没心情去吃饭
I'm not in the mood, go out and play/I'm not in the mood to eat
3 、有的时候运气对一个人也很重要
Sometimes luck to a person is also very important
4 、他希望自己顺利一些,可他的运气一直不怎么好
He hopes his smooth some, but his luck has not been so good
5 、他经常在反思自己哪里做错了
He often be introspect oneself where do wrong
6 、他想一个人寺庙里静一下,因为那里可以远离城市的喧闹
And he wants to a person the temple still once, because there can be away from the noise of the city
7 、他经常一个人去寺庙 、去电影院,感觉有点孤单
He often a person to temples, going to the cinema, feel a little lonely

热心网友 时间:2024-06-06 02:33

1,It's time to have dinner,but she still has no appetite.
2,I am not in the mood to go out and play / eat meals.
3,Sometimes luck is also very important to a person.
4.He wishes to smoothly, but his luck is always not good.
5,He often reflect on their own doing wrong.
6,He wants to be quiet alone in the temple, because there can be far away from the hustle and
bustle of the city.
7,He often goes to the temple and goes to the cinema alone, feels a bit lonely.
望采纳,谢谢 给点分吧

热心网友 时间:2024-06-06 02:28

1 To the dinner, but she still no appetite
2 I am not in the mood to go out and play / I am not in the mood to eat
3 Sometimes the luck of a person is also very important
4 His hope of success, and he has been very good luck
5 He often reflect on their own doing wrong
6 He would like a temple quiet about, because there can be far away from the hustle and bustle of the city
7 He often go to the temple, go to the cinema, I feel a bit lonely

热心网友 时间:2024-06-06 02:33

1. It is time to have a meal but she still hasn't appetite.
2. I am not interested in go out to play / I am in no mood to have a meal
3. Sometimes, luck is very important for us
4. He hopes everything goes will, but always out of luck.
5.He offen rethinks about faults of himself.
6. He wants to stay in temple for a moment peace, for here can be far away the noise from city
7. He offen goes to temple and cinema by himself, so he feels a little lonely.
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