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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-12 10:47



热心网友 时间:2024-05-18 01:46

i still remember that morning.my father woke me up at about 5 and sky was still gray.i jumped out of bed surprised and was extremely happy,for we were going to get the book .when we arrived at the bookstore,many people were alread waiting there.we waited for our turn till about 8:30. i was overjoyed when i got the book,not only because of the book themselves,but also of the love from my father.never before had i felt such love from him,because of my father,i believed then,had alway been busy with his own work.that was“harry potter”that helped i feel the deep love from my

热心网友 时间:2024-05-18 01:47

the morning- that morning
jumped out- does mean be highly noticeable,so how about got up!

I got up and feel surpised and exremely happy,
(why)for You are going to get the book which you want to have one,

so, perhaps you need a conjunction here.I got up and feel suprised and extreme happy that we are going to get the book,

when I got there, there was so many people waitting for get the book,,

I was in high when I get that.

books itselves,book itself

and the love that from father as well,

I have never felt such a love from him before.
cause of my father, he had always busy with his work,

I believed that was the book harry potter helped me feel the love father give me!

still,I remember that morning.suddenly, my father wake me up at around 5, and outside was gray,still.I got up and surprised and extreme happy that we are going to get the book .when we drove to the bookstore,there are many people were watiting...we waited for our turn to at 8:30. I was in high when I got it,not only because of the book itself,and the love that from my father as well,I have never felt such a love from him before,I believed that cause of the book harry potter helped me feel the love father give me!

热心网友 时间:2024-05-18 01:47

out----out of
but also of --but also
that helped i feel --that helped me feel

热心网友 时间:2024-05-18 01:48

sky-》the sky
extreme-> extremely
but also后的of去掉
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