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<let's make a pizza>?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-12 13:22



热心网友 时间:2024-06-04 10:51

2008-12-29 Unit 11 How to make a pizza (选学课文)

1. funny, interesting, more, ingredient, pepper, sauce, cherries, tomatoes, slice, firstly, thick, secondly, above, below, finally, pastry, cheese, onion, beef, another, oven, trolley, strawberries, frozen food section, bakery section, snack section

2. how to make a pizza
look interesting
look at
a few slices of ham
a small tin of tomato sauce
as a base
in the middle of
on the right/ left of
on both sides of
next to

3. 句型

1) It looks very interesting.

2) Shall we make one more?

3) Let’s look at the ingredients first.

4) Firstly, Secondly, Next, Then, After that, Finally

5) What will it look like?

6) It looks very interesting.

How does it look?

look, taste, smell, sound, feel 被称为感官动词,后边往往加形容词,对形容词提问用how
7) Let’s look at the ingredients first, shall we?
8) Let us look at the ingredient first, will you?
9) I bake the pizza for 5 minutes.
How long do you bake the pizza?
10) I would like to have a thick piece of bread as the base of pizza.
What would you like to have as the base of pizza?
11) another (三者以上的)再,又
another one/ two/ three another slice of sausage

热心网友 时间:2024-06-04 10:49


热心网友 时间:2024-06-04 10:47

2008-12-29 19:31Unit 11 How to make a pizza (选学课文)

1. funny, interesting, more, ingredient, pepper, sauce, cherries, tomatoes, slice, firstly, thick, secondly, above, below, finally, pastry, cheese, onion, beef, another, oven, trolley, strawberries, frozen food section, bakery section, snack section

2. how to make a pizza
look interesting
look at
a few slices of ham
a small tin of tomato sauce
as a base
in the middle of
on the right/ left of
on both sides of
next to

3. 句型

1) It looks very interesting.

2) Shall we make one more?

3) Let’s look at the ingredients first.

4) Firstly, Secondly, Next, Then, After that, Finally

5) What will it look like?

6) It looks very interesting.

How does it look?

look, taste, smell, sound, feel 被称为感官动词,后边往往加形容词,对形容词提问用how

7) Let’s look at the ingredients first, shall we?

8) Let us look at the ingredient first, will you?

9) I bake the pizza for 5 minutes.

How long do you bake the pizza?

10) I would like to have a thick piece of bread as the base of pizza.

What would you like to have as the base of pizza?

11) another (三者以上的)再,又

another one/ two/ three another slice of sausage
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