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[跪求]急需小说The Cay(英文)的网上免费在线阅读和一些原句(quotes...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-06-13 20:01



热心网友 时间:2024-06-13 20:19

1 Quote {p 10}
"I nodded, but I couldn't imagine that a shell from an enemy submarine would pick me out from all the buildings, or hit me if I was standing on the famous pontoon bridge or among the ships way back in the Schottegat or along St. Anna Bay."

2 Quote {p. 24}
"A tug and several small motorboats headed out toward the Tern, but it was useless. Some of the women cried at the sight of her, and I saw men, my father included, with tears in their eyes. It didn't seem possible that only a few hours before I had been standing on her deck. I was no longer excited about the war; I had begun to understand that it meant death and destruction."

3 Quote {p. 90}
"Timothy had spent all that time carving a cat. The nails in it were supposed to kill the evil jumbi."

4 Quote {p. 103}
It was almost as if I'd graduated from the survival course that Timothy had been putting me through since we had landed on the cay."

5 {p. 97}
"For more than a week, I knew he had been laboring over nails to turn them into fish hooks. He always speared the fish or langosta with a sharp stick, but I could not see, of course, to do that."

6 {p. 96}
"I helped him to his feet, and we went up the hill together, Timothy leaning on me for support for the first time."

7 {p. 113.}
"Standing with his back to the storm, Timothy put my arms through the loops of rope, and then roped himself, behind me, to the tree."

8 {p. 117}
"I stayed there beside him for a long time, very tired, thinking that he should have taken me with him wherever he had gone. I did not cry then. There are times when you are beyond tears.

9 {p. 137}
All the strength went out of my body.. Feeling very ill, I climbed the slope again throwing myself down on the mat in the hut. I didn't cry. There was no use in doing that."
10 {p. 140}
"After I had climbed aboard, I remembered Timothy's knife stuck in the palm tree. It was the only thing I wanted off the cay."

热心网友 时间:2024-06-13 20:20

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