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I am ___ (terrible)busy these days.括号里填什么?为什么?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-06-11 00:01



热心网友 时间:2024-06-11 00:11


terribly shy非常害羞;可怕的害羞

Snore Terribly鼾声大作

terribly lucky幸运极了

terribly wounded严重受伤

terribly pleasured喜极欲狂

terribly cold冷的要命

So Terribly那么可怕

terribly bad超级差

Terribly Happy恶警残城

热心网友 时间:2024-06-11 00:15

答:填写 terrible
be +形容词
I am terrible busy these days
you seem busy these days yes,iam

正确答案是:B 【解析】:--- You seem busy these days.---Yes.I’m looking for a house.It’s really not easy to find 【one】 with a garden.--- 你最近看起来很忙.--- 是啊,我在找一所房子,要找一个带花园的房子还真不容易.这里的 one = a garden ,表示泛指.而 it 的话...


回答好:I’mfine./Ifeelgood/terrific./Icouldn’tbebetter./Nothingisverywrongwithme.回答不好:Iamnotfeelinggood./Ifeelterrible/horrible/awful./Iamnotmyselfthesedays.(注意听语气:身体好的时候,语调上扬,语气非常欢快;身体不好的时候,降调,语气非常郁闷。)五、电话场景 operator接线...

小作文 在外国公司上班的WangLin,请求短暂离开公司。 告诉老板 给老板M...



l:never interrupt me! since i married your son, that terrible johnny,i have been working hard all daylong,cooking and washing. i have raised tens of thousands of pigs and ducks and chicken and……jm:but all those you have done arenot asvaluable as a grandson!l(生气地挥动着...

My dream house

I’m now living in a small house with my parents. Life for us is hard but happy. I must study hard so that I can buy a big new house some day. I call it a dream house.It has three floors with five bedrooms, three bathrooms, two big dining rooms and two living rooms...


Duringthefirstweekofhisstay,hewentoutonedaytodosomeshopping.Hecamebackinthelateafternoontodiscoverthathissuitcasewasgone.Hewasextremelyworriedasthesuitcasehadallhisimportantpapers,includinghispassport. Hereportedthecasetothepoliceandthensatthere,lostandlonelyinstrangecity,thinkingoftheterribletroublesofgettingallthe...


也可以和包括现在在内的时间状语,如thesedays,today,recently,thisyear,sofar(=bynow)等连用.2.基本结构:助动词have/has 动词的过去分词e.g.Ihavealreadypostedtheletter.二十一、some/any肯定句:Ihavesometoysinmybedroom.一般疑问句和否定句中:Doyouhaveanybrothersorsisters?Hedoesn’thaveanypencilsinhispencil...



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