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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-02 09:21



热心网友 时间:2024-08-16 22:29

一对夫妇是走出去的晚上,庆祝妻子的生日。当他们准备好,丈夫把猫了。的士抵达,并作为夫妇走出家园,猫跑回屋里。不想他们的汽车能自由运行的房子,而他们的那样,丈夫回到楼上追逐猫了。妻子,不知道等待它的房子将是空的,解释,出租车司机, “他只是去楼上告别我的母亲。 ”几分钟后,丈夫进入汽车,并说: “很抱歉花了这么长时间。愚蠢的旧事藏在床下,我不得不捅她的坚持让她出来! “


热心网友 时间:2024-08-16 22:26

A couple went out to celebrate the wife's birthday in the evening. They were afraid the cat would have free run of the house, the husband put the cat out. However, when the taxi arrived, the cat ran back into the house. And then the husband went back upstairs to chase the cat out. The wife worried the taxi driver would find the house empty, so she said to the taxi driver the husband just went to say goodbye to her mother. A few minutes later, the husband got into the car, and said it took a long time to poke and got the stupid old thing hiding under the bed out with a stick.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-16 22:29

A man and his wife were going out to celebrate the wife's birthday. When they were ready to go, the husband put the cat out. Then the taxi came, and before the couple walked out, the cat run back into the house. The husband didn't want the cat to have free run of the house while they were out, so he went in the house and wanted to chase the cat out. The wife worried someone to know the house would be empty, thus she explaining her husband was saying goodbye to his mother upstairs to the driver. When the man and got into the car, he said to the taxi driver that the stupid old thing was hiding under the bed, he has to poke her with a stick to get her to come out, and he was sorry it took so long.

注:楼主原文 Not wanting their car to have free run of the house while they were out
中 their car 应是 their cat 不然讲不通。

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