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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 12:09



热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 11:54

by the boab tree

Sing and I will hear you
No matter where you are
A song to light the darkest night
And guide me from afar

And I will never be alone
Now I know you're somewhere
You're everywhere to me
You're the colour in the sky
A reason to believe
And when the rain falls down
You tell a story
And I will hear you
Always near you
By the boab tree

Lay your arms around me
Like the falling rain
Let the feeling drown me
And life begins again

And I will never be afraid
Now I know you're somewhere
You're everywhere to me
The warming of the sun upon
The earth beneath my feetkldnj
And when the rain falls down
You tell a story
And I will hear you
Always near you
By the boab tree
后面的男声唱的歌叫The Drover’s Ballad

热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 11:55

by the boab tree

Sing and I will hear you
No matter where you are
A song to light the darkest night
And guide me from afar

And I will never be alone
Now I know you're somewhere
You're everywhere to me
You're the colour in the sky
A reason to believe
And when the rain falls down
You tell a story
And I will hear you
Always near you
By the boab tree

Lay your arms around me
Like the falling rain
Let the feeling drown me
And life begins again

And I will never be afraid
Now I know you're somewhere
You're everywhere to me
The warming of the sun upon
The earth beneath my feetkldnj
And when the rain falls down
You tell a story
And I will hear you
Always near you
By the boab tree
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