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natasha bedingfield UNWRTTEN专集最后有个HIDEN TRACK的歌词...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-30 00:21



热心网友 时间:2024-05-05 04:24

Natasha Bedingfield - Hidden Track

Sitting on the edge of an armchair
My seatbelt unfastened
Shoelaces not tied
Letting the wind mess my hair
Make up all smudged
Waking up all blurry-eyed

Its too early in the morning
For my words to come out right
Just getting used to sunshine
Im still squinting in the light

And it looks like a perfect day
Just to get away
All the mundane
Has bought out the rebel i was born to be
And it feels like the perfect time
Just to break away
This is my life
A decision from the norm

Im a non-conformist
I like doing stupid things
Like laughing on a train
Or falling in love again
Television, magazines
They tell you how to live your life
But not how to use your brain

Its too early in the morning
For my words to come out right
Just getting used to sunshine
Im still squinting in the light

And it looks like a perfect day
Just to get away
All the mundane
Has bought out the rebel i was born to be
And it feels like the perfect time
Just to break away
This is my life
A decision from the norm

Ooooooooh oooo yeh yeh yeh

I wanna do something i've never done
Dig my toe beneath the surface of a sea
That i've never seen the bottom of
Im not perfect don't have to be
Can walk around in just barefeet
Im comfortable in my own skin
My confidence it starts within, oh

And it looks like a perfect day
Just to get away
All the mundane
Has bought out the rebel i was born to be
And it feels like a perfect time
Just to break away
This is my life
A decision from the norm
Decision from the norm

Oooooh oh ooooh yeh yehh mm
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