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帮忙听译一则英语新闻:PBOC governor: Capital inflow causes infla...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-29 11:02



热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 03:28

china's central bank governor says china's economy is generally doing well,but it is still facing some inflationary pressures. Joe XX saw capital inflows as part of the reason driving up prices, YinHang has a story:

head of people's bank of china says, third quarter data showed the growth of the country's economy is on track, but he warns that both the domestic and overseas economic environment is[are] complicated and recovery of developed nations is slowing down.

the world economy is facing a complicated outlook, in developed economies, the pace for the economy recovery is slowing down amid easing market policies. meanwhile emerging market economies are seeing rapid developments, but the pressure of capital inflows does exist.

Joe also says the abaddon of global liquity has put emerging economy under pressure. the foundation of the country's rebounding domestic demand is not yet solid, and more efforts should be made to stimulate private investment.

the central bank will make its policies more flexible, targeted and effective. it will tighten controls on liquidity, keep credit growth normal and proceed steadily with the reform of the exchange rates regime.

china's inflation soared to a 25 months high of 4.4% year on year in october. and the -------

easing policies of other economies were ---liquity problems for emerging nations resulting further hot money inflows.

china's central bank raised benchmark interest rate last month, and ordered banks to set aside more reserves last wensday in its latest efforts to rein liquidity.

YinHang, CCTV

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