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not out造句 not outの例文 "not out"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-01 12:54



热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 18:48

I am not out to change the world .

I am not out for ppments .

It is not out of a dead uniformity that they can be expected to raise .

It crowns the hill, defying the wind and the rain, not out of bravado but so that the man can see the sheep .

Love is … … being out of sight , but not out of mind
爱是… .跨越千山万水的思念

But this is not out of ideology or ambition

Each transistor in the box is not out of order

I helped her out of love , not out of pity

Cast not out the foul water till you bring in the clean

" not out of charity , " i answered coolly
“不是出于慈善心肠, ”我冷冷地说。

It's difficult to see not out in a sentence. 用 not out 造句挺难的

So the faults are within us , not out there

Cast not out the foul water till you bring in the clean

All of the facipties are not out of data

Especially not out here in front of all these people

We ’ re not out of the woods yet with this problem

Even i get that . but you ' re not out there

18 the napo river : it is not out of the way

We ' re not out to check lds for prostitutes ,
我们不是来查 *** 们的身份的

Yes , i am out . / no , i am not out
是的,我在外面。 /不,我不在外面。

We ' re not out of touchwith real america

I am not out of my mind , she said
“我并没有发疯! ”她说。

Hello , why is he not out with you

Oh , you ' re not out of the woods yet , donna

Senna says he is not out to maim , just disrupt a game

They ' re not out of some plastic bucket . i handpicked , iike , every bud

Block - just not out of it

She ' s not out yet . - that ' s true ,

My wife ` s not out there , is she

- she ' s not out yet . - that ' s true ,

My wife s not out there , is she

It's difficult to see not out in a sentence. 用 not out 造句挺难的

not out造句 not outの例文 "not out"是什麼意思

Yes , i am out . / no , i am not out 是的,我在外面。 /不,我不在外面。We ' re not out of touchwith real america 我们接触的都是真正的美国人。I am not out of my mind , she said “我并没有发疯! ”她说。Hello , why is he not out with you ...


3、Do it now please ─ not in three hours' time.请现在就干,而不是三个小时之后。4、It's not fair ─ I never get to go first.这不公平——我从来没有机会先走。5、Your work is just not good enough.你的工作真是不够好。6、The problem is not primarily a financial one.这个...


work out,可以解决的 Thing 'll work out ok.凡事终归会好的。at once 立刻,He came at once.他立刻就来了。run out of 用完 I run out of gas.我车子汽油用光了。give away 泄露 Do not give away my secret.不要泄露我的秘密。come up with 拿出,He couldn't come up with the ...




(1) The curtain is not in tune with the atmosphere of the room.窗帘同房间的气氛不协调。(2) I support you, I'm in tune with your aims.我支持你,我和你的目标是一致的。6,keep..in mind ——记住;想到 •(1)Please keep your promise in mind 请记住你的承诺。(2...

用will not造句?

I will not go out during winter holiday.寒假我不会出去。

turn down , turn in, trun out,trun over ,trun to ,trun up造句

trun out (1)关上,关掉(灯)She turned out the light.她关上了灯 (2)(因为重要的事件而)聚集 Crowds of fans turned out at the airport to welcome their idol.粉丝们聚集在机场来迎接他们的偶像.(3)生产,制造(某物)The factory turns out 300 cars a day.工厂每天生产300辆汽车。(...

用work out造句,最好是附带汉语翻译的。

I really think that this interesting scheme will work out.我确实认为这个有趣的方案可能成功。5. 解决;找到…的答案:to work out a problem 解决问题 6. 算出,计算:It's not easy to work out how much it costs to feed the average family.算出一个一般家庭的花费并非易事。7. 能...

turn out produce 造句

turn out produce 造句:It is not that we cannot produce enough goods. Our machines turn out as much work in an hour as 10 000 hand-workers used to.不是我们不能生产足够的商品,我们的机器现在每小时生产的东西相当于以前 10 000个手工工人干的活 解析:句子是语言运用的基本单位,它由...


1.Is there anything /something(更口语化)can instead mother's love and care?2.I prefer staying at home to driving out.3.He must rest for several weeks.4.All of this tools are made by hand,not made by machines.

not going out just not out do not go out to be or not to be takeout造句 come out造句 without造句 not out of not go out
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