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求英语高手 写一篇英语议论文作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 11:11



热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 20:32

Nowadays there is an overall tendency that many countries in the world are tending to have the problem of the aging population. Therefore, it may be that there will be a higher proportion of old people than young people in many countries in the future. Some people believe that this is a good tendency, for then there will be a smaller population in the world and the job market for young people will not be so tough. However, as far as I am concerned, a higher proportion of old people than young people may do more harm than good to our society.
There are some reasons for my belief. Firstly, It is true that a large proportion of older people means a smaller population, and thus a comparatively minor pressure for the earth. Yet, if there are so many older people and so few young people in the world, who would take care of the old? Who can ensure the proper operation in all walks of life? Youth are the hope of each country. Therefore,I would rather prefer a society with more young people, who are so full of energy and enthusiasm.
I firmly support my above reason. Because the future of any conutry lies in the youth. Just imagine a country with so few young people. How can you be passionate enough and encourage yourself to work hard no matter where you are? What's more, there are some generation gaps between the old and the young. Too many old people may influence young people's way of thinking and living, even making them less ambitious.
To put things in a nutshell, It is preferable to have more young people than old people in a society, for the sake of both domestic and international development, and especially for the creation of a harmonious and blessed society.


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