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Where We Gonna Go From Here 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-06 12:09



热心网友 时间:2024-05-29 00:55

歌曲名:Where We Gonna Go From Here
歌手:Mat Kearney
专辑:Nothing Left To Lose

All of your ways and all your thunder
Get me in a haze running for cover
Where we gonna go from here
We we gonna go from here
Car lights in the driveway
I wonder who's going coming my way
Tomorrow we're turning down the highway
With another bright state on a weekday
Green grass and a radio
Watching it fly past and away we go
Seven hundred places seven hundred faces more
All your haze and all your thunder
Got me in a haze running for cover
Where we gonna go from here
Where we gonna go from here
The back of your eyes look like my mothers
Whne we talk your like my brother
Where we gonna go from here
Where we gonna go from here
Time is moving on our side
How could I miss you to another guy
Pull of the ocean and the roaring tide
Is bigger than my eyes or my design
Father got a best plan
Saving his daughter for the best man
Seven hundred places seven hundred faces more
All your haze and all your thunder
Got me in a haze running for cover
Where we gonna go from here
Where we gonna go from here
The back of your eyes look like my mothers
Whne we talk your like my brother
Where we gonna go from here
Where we gonna go from here
I've waited and I'll wait some more
Won't see me knocking on another door
But all this is crazy and amazing
There's only one half of us that I'm saving
So I'm praying just to let it go
Watch from a distance just to see you glow
Seven hundred places seven hundred faces more
All your haze and all your thunder
Got me in a haze running for cover
Where we gonna go from here
Where we gonna go from here
The back of your eyes look like my mothers
Whne we talk your like my brother
Where we gonna go from here
Where we gonna go from here

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