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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-26 23:09



热心网友 时间:2024-04-27 23:55

Nowadays, many things are still mysterious for human being and we are trying to find out the answer to all these questions. For example, do aliens exist? I totally believe that they live somewhere, because the universe is unlimited and scientists have a large number of evidence to PROVE their existence.

First of all, our planet is only a tiny SPOT in the whole universe, so there may have other lives beyond the Earth. According to the astronomers’ estimation, there are over 100 billion other galaxies. This MEANS that the universe is immense. No one can deny the fact that other lives exist, because even the little sun galaxy has one planet WHERE PEOPLE inhibit. Moreover, after searching on Mars, scientist HAVE found out that there are some traces of water. This means that it is possible to have lives on it in the past. In this case, another planet shows the POSSIBLE existence of extraterrestrials. Thus, why is it impossible to have another one in other galaxies?

Some people claim that no solid evidences can prove the ALIENS' existence. They are absolutely wrong! Many years ago, Mr. Steven Greer opened a project named the Disclosure Project. As a result of this, he assembled a lot of effective proofs and witnesses. There are enough documents to oblige people to believe their presence. In addition, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the astronaut of Apollo 14, said that he had received an incomprehensible message during a radio interview when he was on the moon. His affirmation must be credible, because he is a celebrated astronaut and scientist. This INDICATED that alien had already contacted us, but our technology doesn’t permit us to receive their messages.

In conclusion, I’m completely agreed with the fact that aliens exist, because the gigantic universe is able to contain another inhabited planet and a great many evidences demonstrate their existence. Actually, we can’t find or contact them DUE TO our backwardness in the technology, but I think it will be different in twenty years.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-27 23:58

Nowadays, many things are still mysterious for human being and we are trying to find out the answers to all these questions. For example, Do aliens exist? I totally believe that they live somewhere, for the universe is unlimited and scientists have a large number of evidences to explain their existence.

First of all, our planet is only a tiny point in the whole universe, so there may have other lives beyond the Earth. According to the astronomers’ estimation, there are over 100 billion other galaxies. This proves that the universe is immense. No one can deny the fact that other lives exist,for even the little sun galaxy has at least one planet that has already been inhibited. Moreover, after searching on Mars, scientist found out that there were some traces of water. This means that it is possible to have lives on it in the past. Besides, another planet shows the existence of extraterrestrials. Thus, why is it impossible to have another one in other galaxies?

Some people claim that no firm evidence can prove the alien’s existence. They are absolutely wrong! Many years ago, Mr. Steven Greer opened a project named the Disclosure Project. As a result of this, he assembled a lot of effective proofs and witnesses. There are enough documents to oblige people to believe their presence. In addition, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the astronaut of Apollo 14 said that he had received an incomprehensible message during a radio interview when he was on the moon. His affirmation must be credible, because he is a celebrated astronaut and scientist. This signified that alien had already contacted with us, but our technology doesn’t permit us to receive their messages.

Actually, we can’t find or contact with them due to or backwardness in technology, but I think it will be different in twenty years.

文章写得很不错,you are good
for 改为due to 等

热心网友 时间:2024-04-27 23:57

Nowadays, many things are still mysterious for human beings and we are trying to find out the answers to all these questions. For example, do aliens exist? I totally believe that they live somewhere, because the universe is unlimited and scientists have a large number of evidence to explain their existence.

First of all, our planet is only a tiny point in the whole universe, so there may have other lives beyond the Earth. According to the astronomers’ estimation, there are over 100 billion other galaxies. This proves that the universe is immense. No one can deny the fact that other lives exist, because even the little sun galaxy has one planet that is inhibited. Moreover, after searching on Mars, scientists found out that there are some traces of water. This means that it is possible to have lives on it in the past. In this case, another planet shows the existence of extraterrestrials. Thus, why is it impossible to have another one in other galaxies?

Some people claim that no solid evidence can prove the alien’s existence. They are absolutely wrong! Many years ago, Mr. Steven Greer opened a project named the Disclosure Project. As a result of this, he assembled a lot of effective proofs and witnesses. There are enough documents to oblige people to believe their presence. In addition, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the astronaut of Apollo 14 said that he had received an incomprehensible message during a radio interview when he was on the moon. His affirmation must be credible, because he is a celebrated astronaut and scientist. This is significant that aliens have already contacted us, but our technology doesn’t permit us to receive their messages.

In conclusion, I completely agree with the fact that aliens exist, because the gigantic universe is able to contain another inhabited planet and a great many evidences demonstrate their existence. Actually, we can’t find or contact them for our backwardness in the technology, but I think it will be different in twenty years.

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