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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 13:31



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 18:17

Hot food
Cook potatoes
Braised bean curd
Pine nuts corn
Hot candied sweet potato
Three cups chicken
Boiled meat
Burn eggplant
Dongpo pork
Kung pao chicken
May KouRou food
Spicy boiled shrimp
Speculation cakes
Spicy fish soup
Salmon tower
Black pepper steak
Kimchi godmother
The jade colorful flowers sushi
Orleans roast wing
With sweet wine stewed beef
Cheese baked potatoes brought the ball
Marble heavy cheese cake
Chocolate cake
Apple cake
Strawberry butter cookies
Purple potato yves dragon
Crisp green beans with tea
Blueberry yogurt MaFen
Caramel pudding
Crystal osmanthus cake
Wave point wipe tea cake
Purple potato pie
Yam red bean cake
You face cake roll
Iced coffee
Hot coffee
Ebony juice
Ice tea
Hot black tea
Plum juice on
Double peel milk
Double skin color soy milk
Pineapple snow mud
Papaya water
Pomegranate juice
Peach mousse
Mango mousse

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 18:18

Hot food
Cook potatoes
Braised bean curd
Pine nuts corn
Hot candied sweet potato
Three cups chicken
Boiled meat
Burn eggplant
Dongpo pork
Kung pao chicken
May KouRou food
Spicy boiled shrimp
Speculation cakes
Spicy fish soup
Salmon tower
Black pepper steak
Kimchi godmother
The jade colorful flowers sushi
Orleans roast wing
With sweet wine stewed beef
Cheese baked potatoes brought the ball
Marble heavy cheese cake
Chocolate cake
Apple cake
Strawberry butter cookies
Purple potato yves dragon
Crisp green beans with tea
Blueberry yogurt MaFen
Caramel pudding
Crystal osmanthus cake
Wave point wipe tea cake
Purple potato pie
Yam red bean cake
You face cake roll
Iced coffee
Hot coffee
Ebony juice
Ice tea
Hot black tea
Plum juice on
Double peel milk
不能确定百分百正确 大多数追问o ...我在确定确定

追答- - 反正是这样的翻译就对了 。。。


Mango mousse 不是我翻得哦~是用软件。我看了一下,是直译,只能说,这是中国英语~(chinglish)


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请高手帮我把一篇中文翻译成英文,后天要用。不要百度谷歌在线翻译的,谢 ...

will be at a loss what to do. Sometimes we will head to think, at the same time also one point one passes. Do not confused, don't worry. Been to your life, do what you want to do. Just to live, just do what you want to do. Even if your life at sixes and seven...


To the gas charm, bring from the bottom up admire Shoes to beauty is not only of art, but also of the foot confidant Taste, fashion, comfortable, your choice Go, enjoy the life of the other side Every glimmer of you elaborate considerations Weekly wear 2 days, recreational ...


whatever happens, I'll stand by your side.


mainly on the dredging of some of the knowledge, including six parts: (a) Dredging world history and current situation, (b) the world dredger status quo and development trend , (3) China's dredging history and current situation, (d) the development of China's need for dredging...

帮忙把英文翻译成中文 谢谢

as i told you in the phone send your CV 我先前在电话里通知您将简历发过来 The lady in the office did not keep the file 我们的办公人员那没有存档文件 The school will start again in May 2008.2008年5月学校开学 If the govt. school accept you we will send you the papers to ...

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