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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-03 20:59



热心网友 时间:2024-06-02 07:10

Faulkner's death, the United States and other countries in the world, more and more of his assessment of his research itself has become an academic. States to keep the translation, about his work, in some areas (especially in Latin America) and the creation of a writer by his obvious influence. Faulkner has become a modern classic writers, is considered not only a profound reflection of social history, but it is also a strong sense of modern writers. He wrote a modern society, interpersonal communication and alienation, people how to pursue and maintain their own "human nature"; reveals human nature in Western society, subject to distortion and alienation issues. Critics also believe that Faulkner is the excavation and to express the human inner world of the master. In many cases, he is through the performance of activities to shape the character's inner spirit of the times and performance figures. He also according to their modern philosophy, modern psychology of human deeper understanding of the formation of a unique vision of cognitive life. And in accordance with such a unique vision, with a corresponding creation and adoption of a new series of novel techniques to help him to fully demonstrate modern and the complexity of modern life. In the literature, and creative use of language, Faulkner also be called a master. His colorful language can provide a variety of styles of art treasures.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-02 07:07

他是southern writer, 步马克吐温的后尘,他的文章利用现代主义技法描写美国南方和北方文明的冲突
水笔在手上画画会不会被衣服搽掉下来 老人每天大便次数很多量不多也不稀,每天还会拉三四次水应经三个月了... 从大连飞机场怎么去大连经济开发区5彩城K区的大连金港大酒店 除了打 ... 请问从大连周水子国际机场到经济技术开发区怎么走最省钱? 中国古代名刀总录中国古代十大名刀 怎样把qq安装到iphone里面 苏科大什么梗 苏科大叫什么名字 lol苏科大是苏州科技大学的吗 lol苏州科技大学为什么这么厉害 优尔精医用降温贴是不是保健品? 马腾后面起什么名字好 马腾是什么意思? 220v电压的手电钻~~里面的电刷起什么作用??手电钻是怎么换方向的_百... ...是市区吗??学校硬件环境怎么样,现在大概多少学生啊 ...省公安厅制定的预防违法 五条禁令 的 六道防线 的主要内容是什么 老年人闹胃口胃好了可腿又没劲了怎么回事 关于抵押权 质押权 留置权的问题 聚众扰乱社会秩序罪判刑标准细分? 余姚市经济开发区属于哪个区 《把回忆拼好给你》是谁演唱的? 2013年农民工该去中国哪个城市打工 最浪漫三个字排行榜(情侣网名) 最浪漫经典的三个字是什么?拜托了各位 谢谢 重庆鸿运和锐科技有限公司电话是多少? 月经后的第四天同房了,我的周期是29天,会怀孕吗" 梦见舅舅输钱 石油卡脖子转变为锂资源卡脖子 钠电池破解稀缺资源难题 月经期间排出来白色小块小块的东西,这个东西里面还有黑色的一根线,像虾... 迭戈·洛佩兹和卡西关系不好吗 来月经时小腹很疼而月经颜色很线请问这是杂回事 山东不设总督的原因是什么? 小孩生病了能去旅游吗? 孩子生病不能春游怎么办呢? 膝伤几个月,有好转,但一直有弹响,怎么办啊? 皮鞋上滴了油,把皮鞋弄花了,请问有什么办法去掉皮鞋上的油点?_百度知... 排出管有室外排水管连接处的检查井,井中心距建筑物外墙不小于... 刚吃完饭适不适合大量喝水? 乌鲁木齐至宁波宁国寺有多远 从怀化到长沙坐汽车是在哪个站上车?最晚是几点? 从火车站去汽车站怎么... 380V.200KW.380A的水泵需多大电缆 白哉为了露露自残??真的假的?哪一集啊??? 头上长得像龙片一样的嘴巴尖尖的尾巴也像肉片一样的鱼 宠物店给狗洗澡的话会不会被传染病啊? 我家泰迪五岁我给它洗澡就咬我,去宠物店洗不咬,怎么回事 中高级专业技术职务医师每周考核几次 顺民34789周边环境怎么样?生活便利吗? 小便放了一夜第二天感觉得浓浓的 房屋买卖合同成立要件是怎样的 玫瑰的芳香是谁唱的? 打针能吃鸡肉吗?