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Think Good Thoughts 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-03 11:52



热心网友 时间:2024-09-07 21:29

歌曲名:Think Good Thoughts
歌手:Colbie Caillat
专辑:All Of You

Colbie Caillat - Think Good Thoughts
I'm just gonna say it,
There's no using in delaying,
I'm tired of the angry hanging out inside me,
So I'll quiet down the devil,
I'm gonna knock him with a shovel,
And I'll burry all my troubles underneath the rubble
When I'm alone in my dark dark room,
I have to tell myself to,
Think good thoughts,
Think good thoughts,
Imagine what the world would be if we would just,
Think good thoughts,
Stop the bad from feeding,
I won't let the negativity turn me into my enemy,
Promise to myself that I won't let it get the best of me,
That's how I want to be
Na, na, na, na
I'm not saying that it's easy,
Especially when I'm moody,
I might be cursing like a sailor till I remind myself I'm better,
Cause words can be like weapons,
Oh and you use them, you regret them,
Oh but I'm not gonna let them take away my heaven
And when I start feeling blue,
I remember to tell myself to,
Think good thoughts,
Think good thoughts,
Imagine what the world would be if we would just,
Think good thoughts,
Stop the bad from feeding,
I won't let the negativity turn me into my enemy,
Promise to myself that I won't let it get the best of me,
That's how I want to be
I just think rain on a summer night,
Stars filling up the sky,
Sunshining on my face,
Making a secret wish,
Finding my happiness,
That always makes me hold my head up high,
I wanna hold my head up high,
I wanna think good thoughts
(Imagine what the world would be if we would just...)
Think good thoughts (wouldn't that be something?)
I won't let the negativity turn me into my enemy,
Promise to myself that I won't let it get the best of me,
That's how I want to be
Na, na, na, na ...


热心网友 时间:2024-09-07 21:31

歌曲名:Think Good Thoughts
歌手:Colbie Caillat
专辑:All Of You

Colbie Caillat - Think Good Thoughts
I'm just gonna say it,
There's no using in delaying,
I'm tired of the angry hanging out inside me,
So I'll quiet down the devil,
I'm gonna knock him with a shovel,
And I'll burry all my troubles underneath the rubble
When I'm alone in my dark dark room,
I have to tell myself to,
Think good thoughts,
Think good thoughts,
Imagine what the world would be if we would just,
Think good thoughts,
Stop the bad from feeding,
I won't let the negativity turn me into my enemy,
Promise to myself that I won't let it get the best of me,
That's how I want to be
Na, na, na, na
I'm not saying that it's easy,
Especially when I'm moody,
I might be cursing like a sailor till I remind myself I'm better,
Cause words can be like weapons,
Oh and you use them, you regret them,
Oh but I'm not gonna let them take away my heaven
And when I start feeling blue,
I remember to tell myself to,
Think good thoughts,
Think good thoughts,
Imagine what the world would be if we would just,
Think good thoughts,
Stop the bad from feeding,
I won't let the negativity turn me into my enemy,
Promise to myself that I won't let it get the best of me,
That's how I want to be
I just think rain on a summer night,
Stars filling up the sky,
Sunshining on my face,
Making a secret wish,
Finding my happiness,
That always makes me hold my head up high,
I wanna hold my head up high,
I wanna think good thoughts
(Imagine what the world would be if we would just...)
Think good thoughts (wouldn't that be something?)
I won't let the negativity turn me into my enemy,
Promise to myself that I won't let it get the best of me,
That's how I want to be
Na, na, na, na ...

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