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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-03 16:48



热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 10:18

there was a large and happy family reunion. grandma and grandpa are leading the family party. uncles, aunts, boy and girl cousions along with my whole family joined together and had a wonderful new year dinner. we eat and drink and talk, and watch the new year celebration programme on CCTV1. It was a wonderful time. On that day father,mother, sister and i wore our best clothes. We welcomed our relatives. They had come from far away.They had arrived by train. At the dinner table, we talked and laughed while having the delicious food prepared by my mother.It was really a happy day for us all.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 10:19

There are four people in my family, mother, father, granny and I. In the week day morning, mother and father go to work. my mother is a pharmacist, and she prescribes medicine for the patients in the hospital. my father is military senior officer, and he always had meetings with officers from subdivisions to set up the general strategies for their work. I go to as usual riding a bicycle. Almost all of us finish work until 5'clock, and then all of my family members will eat dinner together, which is prepared by granny, by 7pm. After that, mum and daddy will sit in front of the TV and watch the News, but i have to do my homework in another room. We always go to sleep by 11pm. This is the typical day of my family!
你好!我是大陆福建人,想问问要去香港当洗碗工,需办哪些证件才能过去... 侮辱国旗罪立案标准是怎么规定的? 达到什么标准侮辱国旗罪才能立案? 产生合同纠纷法院调解效力大吗? 合同效力纠纷是什么意思? pr1和pr2的区别是什么意思? ...和内存好点。有什么推荐?价位在七八千左右、一万以下。 刘人语戴景耀徐方舟《声恋时代》共谱声音恋曲 牙疼: 晚上厉害 白天一直酸疼 但吃止痛片会好点 一颗牙齿 有轻微松动感... 怎么能在短时间内不让牙疼? 怎么样才能晚上不磨牙齿 ...我咨询过医生,他建议我做个磨牙垫,我不知道那个戴起来会不会不舒服... 星尘传说什么职业PK最好而刷怪相对可以?请哪位资深玩家分析一下_百度... 我父亲57岁了!胆结石手术十五年后,嘴里出现发干苦涩该怎么办?_百度知 ... 吴奇隆与苏有朋谁红些 18岁了。最近感觉口腔右边好像还在长臼齿啊。用舌头能触摸到... 我怎么老是被雷吓到啊 为什么感觉老天爷,一个人打雷的时候有种害怕的感觉,就好像自己不想什么... 如果打雷的时候,听见有人在哭会怎样? 打耳洞6天,换的时候化脓了,能不能用红霉素软膏 有谁知道《烈士墓歌》怎么唱啊 求歌词:烈士墓前 麻油炒龙眼干肉可以治咳嗽吗 离婚了还可以去看孩子吗? 宪法是我国的根本大法违法宪法的行为都是犯罪行为这句话对吗 淘宝订单页面怎么没有微信支付选项了? 宁波天方贸易有限公司怎么样? 永康市天方工贸有限公司怎么样? 浙江天方科技股份有限公司怎么样? ...田野中戴小麋鹿帽嘟嘴卖萌,你是通过哪部影视剧认识她的?_百度知 ... 英语翻译"Amazing Animals" 假如你是大明,某英文报社正在举行题为“Let's Portect Animal"的... ...什么音节是什么它是一个什么节构是什么它的第五笔是什么它的是什么... 屋顶漏水?别担心,我们有办法! 屋顶漏水,这些小技巧帮您解决! 潮汕清明吃什么必须要吃朴籽粿? 兔子绝育多少钱兔子拉稀去兽医那里治疗要多少钱 淘宝引力魔方冷启动需要几天? 推荐一家做鼻子很 厉害的 医生,我人在成 都? ...不需要充氩,不锈钢管道在什么情况下可以不充氩(排除使用药皮焊丝的... 全国人大常委会召开会议多少人参加才合法有效? 无空风,排山倒海,打一个什么数字? "二月二"龙抬头的来历 敬谢不敏什么意思敬谢不敏怎么读 博士学位最长可以几年? 经期前同房会不会怀孕 英国航空6月18日伦敦飞往北京的BAOO89航班是否取消了? 本田cbr250 19期 仪表盘左上角有个红灯亮是怎么回事 德赛尔犬舍幼犬怎么买 正常人臂展177cm,身高会是多少?回答者万分感谢!