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Gulliver's Travels_格列佛游记英语读后感800字

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-02 08:08



热心网友 时间:2024-05-02 08:07

British writer Jonathan; Swift's Gulliver's travels, the novel describes the adventures of Gulliver with a keen irony and humor, fantastic imagination and exaggeration, and travels around the world four times, experiencing great and small adventure. The first voyage with lefou road in distress, escape, drift left to Lilliput, is bound to the king. However, the gentle performance of Gulliver gradually won the favor of the king and the people, and he gradually became familiar with the customs of the small country. Later in Gulliver's help to defeat the same is Lilliput "but Fugu Si" Gulliver to exterminate Blefuscu Empire, the emperor was not happy. At this time, the empress palace fire in Gulliver's wisdom, pee put out the fire, who knows but let the queen was very angry. So, to get rid of Lilliput and gulliver. Gulliver heard the wind, quickly fled to the Empire of Blefuscu, later returned safely to england. The second time, Gulliver went to the adult state, before in the small country, Gulliver is a monster, but now, he is not even an ant in adults! Because he is a special type in the adult state, and was received as a small thing in the suitcase, brought to the town show exhibition. Later, after three years, Gulliver to accompany the king tour frontier. Because of Gulliver's homesick, and pretended to be sick, came to the seaside and breathe the fresh air. But the eagle in the sky took him live in the box for a turtle hung up. The next few eagle in the air battle, the box fell into the sea, a ship was passing found Gulliver, after being rescued, he sailed back to England. But the heart of Gulliver's travel around the world is not destroyed, in the third Gulliver went to the flying island, visited in Laputa and Glubbdubdrib, who looks abnormal, strange clothing, all be in a brown study. In the Academy of science, designers are engaged in the study of some subject result be a wild legend, the land desolate, the collapse of the housing, the people had no food, no clothes. In the people on the island, he is good at master magic, necromancy, they learned, found the historical truth is powerful in the world to deceive. Gref also visited La NEGELE Kingdom, see a man of immortality "sitelubu". After leaving the country, Gulliver came to Japan, and then went back to england.

He ironically tells British characteristics at that time: "greed, the party struggles, hypocrisy, no letters, cruelty, anger, resentment, jealousy, lust, crazy, sinister and ambitions." He sarcastically described the bizarre phenomenon of human animal upside down: Ma became rational carrier, while the others into a dirty, smelly urine dashing, greedy for inferior animal yehuda. He talks about human nature, is willing to be enslaved by money, not extravagant waste, that is, greed. The author not only satirize the British society at that time, but I think it is more important to decide the whole human society. Alemayehu represents human beings, while the hero is so disgusted with Alemayehu. All the lines of the book reveal the author's dissatisfaction with the society.

On the other hand, the hero's life in the Hui country and Hui Yuan is the most unforgettable. Their country does not have words of evil, like deceit, doubt, cunning, and so on. So their society will not be deceived, suspected, cunning, framed, conspiracy, bribery...... That world is a place full of happiness and happiness. So that when the hero left there, he shed sad tears.

After reading Gulliver's travels, we can not help but examine ourselves. Do we have the shadow of these stubborn roots?.

Although our society does not decline as the United Kingdom at that time, but where to go or not. Petty theft, littering, vandalism. It's all around us. Murder, drug smuggling, brutal crazy. It's not surprising that we often see things on tv.

Such a turbid society is something we need to clarify. Now we can't do anything spectacular, but we can do what we can do. Even lower your head, pick up a piece of garbage, write an environmental article, call friends relatives...... This is something we can easily do.
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