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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-02 22:18



热心网友 时间:2024-10-26 03:30

Long ago, in Greece, there was a beautiful city with no name. Both the goddess Athena and the god Poseidon want to name the city, so Zeus decided to let both of them present a gift to the citizens of the nameless city, and whichever gifts is most liked by the citizens, the one presented the gift would have the honor of naming the city. Poseidon gave the people a horse, and said: "It will bring you victory in war!" Athena on the other hand gave the people an olive tree, and said "It is a symbol of peace." The people chose peace over war, and so Athena won, and from that day on the city was named Athens

热心网友 时间:2024-10-26 03:27

In Greece there was once a beautiful city with no name, the goddess Athena and Poseidon and want to give it a name, so Zeus let each of them to send a gift to the city residents, residents who received the gift, who is this city name. Poseidon gave people a horse, said:" it will bring you to the victory of the war!" Athena had an olive tree, said:" it is a symbol of peace." People love peace rather than war, and Athena triumph. The city was later called athens.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-26 03:29


热心网友 时间:2024-10-26 03:33

There once lived in Greece a beautiful city no name, the goddess Athena and Poseidon also wanted to name for it, so let them send a the Zeus a gift to urban residents, residents who accept the gift, who for the city its name. Poseidon gave people a horse, said: "it will bring you the victory of war!" Athena turn out a the olive tree, and said: "it is a symbol of peace." The war more than people like peace, then Athena victory. The city is called the Athens later.
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