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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-03 01:12



热心网友 时间:2024-05-13 15:19


Chinese people not only appreciate the pionneering spirit of Americans,but also admire the remarkable achievements made by them.

Chinese art, architechture and philosophy were very popular in western countries in seventeenth and eighteenth century.

Besides/In addition to Chinese food, they also learn Chinese, try Chinese medicine and herbs, practise Chinese Gongfu, and watch movies about Chinese Gongfu.

But people of vision point out that besides the tremendous pressure of aging population, we should see the potential business and the olders' intelligence and experiences and other resources, and turn the pressure into opportunity.

How to make more efficient use of water resource, and boost sustainable development and protection of water resource, has become an urgent problem for the countries all around the world to solve.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-13 15:19

1 China people appreciate America people's pioneering spirit, admire America people made in national development of the remarkable performance.
In seventeenth Century and 2 in eighteenth Century, China art, architecture and philosophy were very much admired in the West.
3 in addition to their love Chinese food, they are learning the Chinese language, trying Chinese medicine, Wushu Exercises China, watching Kung Fu movies.
4 but a person with breadth of vision pointed out, we should not only see the tremendous pressure from the aging of the population, but also to see the back of the aging of the population contains business opportunities and the elderly rich intelligence, experience and other resources, to turn pressure into opportunity.
5 how to make more efficient use of water resources, sustainable development and protection to promote water resources, has become the urgent problems of the world.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-13 15:19

1 Chinese appreciate America people's pioneering spiritand admire American remarkable performancemade in national development of the remarkable performance
2 In seventeenth and eighteenth Century, China art, architecture and philosophy were very much admired in the West
3 in addition to their love Chinese food, they are learning the Chinese language, trying Chinese medicine, Wushu Exercises China, watching Kung Fu movies.
but a person with breadth of vision pointed out, we should not only see the tremendous pressure from the aging of the population, but also to see the back of the aging of the population contains business opportunities and the elderly rich intelligence, experience and other resources, to turn pressure into opportunity.
5 how to make more efficient use of water resources, sustainable development and protection to promote water resources, has become the urgent problems of the world.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-13 15:20

Chinese appreciate America people's pioneering spiritand admire American remarkable performancemade in national development of the remarkable performance

1. They don't live in Beijing from now...2. We should refuse to do something bad 3. We will try our best to obey the traffic rules 4. I let my mother give me some pocket money 5. You need to exercise more 6. When I came home yesterday all the snow 7. The girl ...

英语翻译,急急 急!

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把中文翻译成英语 急急急

与…相处得好get along well with 钢琴弹得好 play Piano well 对…有好处 good for 擅长… be good at/do well in 在…帮助某人 help somebody in something 展示给我们看 show us 我们想要能帮忙带孩子们去北戴河的人。We want the person who can help us take our children to Beidaihe....


I am a girl from Beijing, China. My father is a typical Chinese man,who is running his own company,and putting my education to the first place. No matter how busy he is,he would still take time to help me with my study.My mother is someone who is really affable.Due to...

帮忙翻译成英语 急急急急!

My holiday was very boring. There was no one to hang out with me, so I was stuck at home all day, doing nothing but playing on the computer and sleeping. A while ago I went to my hometown Jiulong. I thought it would be very fun, but contrary to my expectations, my ...


was told that Beijing will hold the 2008 Olympics.当被告知北京将举办2008年奥林匹克运动会时,他非常地激动。He learned English badly since he put the emphasis on grammar instead of communication.他英语学得糟糕的原因是因为他把注意力放在语法上面而不是交际上。译文精彩,放心使用。。。


effective bank data management.本系统是一个基于Internet,采用B2C(Business to Consumers) 模式,并根据现有的在银行系统的现状而设计开发的银行储蓄平台。它不但可以使银行的业务便于管理,而且可以减少企业的经营成本,提高工作效率This system is based on Internet, using B2C ( Business to Consumers )...


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