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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-03 02:31



热心网友 时间:2024-05-12 01:45

Objective: To understand the current status of irrational prescriptions in our hospital's outpatient department, with a view to promote clinically rational use of drugs.
Method: Based on the irrational presciption criteria taken from "management of prescriptions" and "standard procere on prescriptions evaluation", the irrational prescriptions for the period between January to December of 2011 from the outpatient dept are retrospectively studied and analyzed. Findings: 965 prescriptions were irrational; 521 were irregular prescriptions--53.98%. Unsuitable prescriptions 376 (38.94%); 68 (7.05%) were over- prescribed.
Conclusion: Enhance prescription reviews, strengthen the knowledge on rational use of drugs, and this will improve the standard of clinical medication.

Keywords:Prescription review;irrational prescription;irregular prescription;over- prescriptions

热心网友 时间:2024-05-12 01:46


Purpose: To understand the current status about unreasonable prescription in our hospital outpatient, to promote the reasonable use of drugs.
Method: Based on the unreasonal presciption cretiera from "prescription management" and "standard procere on prescription evaluation", the irrational prescriptions between January to December of 2011 from outpatient dept were retrospectively statically analyzed.
Result: among the 965 unreasonable prescription, 521 (53.98%) are irregulated , 376 (38.94%) are unsuitable, 68 (7.05%) are over- prescriptions.

Conclusion:, Enhance prescription review, strengthen the knowledge of rational drug usage, to improve the level of clinical medication.

keywords:Prescription review;Unreasonable prescription;unregulated prescription;Abnormal prescriptions
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